Chapter 25

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"I can't believe you tricked me like that!" I yell, swimming over to him and he smiles.

"What? Are you going to die if you get your hair wet? I might catch you if you died," Justin whispers, backing up.

I growl and lunge at him. He laughs, and dodges to the right. I begin to splash him with water and soon my friends join me. Before we know what's going on its suddenly boys against girls.

I see Mike tackle Lizeth into the water, and I dive under to help her. I swim onto Mikes back and he turns around. I'm still holding on as he swims up to the surface.

"Get off me!" He yells, laughing.

Lizeth watches with amusement as she catches her breath.

Justin swims over from behind and grabs my waist. I scream as he pulls me off, catching me by surprise.

Emily is tackling Luke into the water, Jada is trapped by Austin in a corner, and Lizeth is trying to swim away from Mike who's chasing her. Nayeli, Gema and their partners stand off to the side, laughing their heads off.

Justin swims over and I put my hands out in front of me.

"Ok, ok! Truce! You win, I give up," I say quickly.

Justin stops, staring at me.


I put my hands down and scowl at him and his smile grows. He turns to the others.

"Wo! Did you hear that guys?! We won!"

The others stop, and I almost laugh when I see Scarlet about to lunge at Mike with fury. Luke dives into the water back first, making Emily swim off him.

"Wo!" The boys cheer and Emily rolls her eyes and Jada crosses her arms.

"Oh whatever!" Diamond yells.

I watch as everybody laughs at each other. My smile falters at the thought of what will happen after this. Something is going to go wrong I can feel it... and I just can't relax because of it. Oh gods, I need to think.

I hop out of the pool and quickly jog over to the hot tub. I sit down and turn the bubbles on low.

I sink my mouth under and close my eyes. The voices my friends are making are muffled, and I don't pay any attention to them. Every time my brain tries to think about something important, my mind would go back to Justin with the bad feeling returning to me. I still don't know how I feel about him, and it's all frustrating. He doesn't make me feel awkward... does he? And the bad feeling won't leave me alone. It's just as annoying as the pounding in my head that's coming back the more I try to move Justin out of my mind.

I keep having weird flashbacks. Flashbacks that I don't understand. I would be running from something in a forest, dancing happily in a fantasyland, seeing explosions, death, and then just a black whirling void. The bad feeling taunts me at night like it is part of me. Something that will travel with me all through eternity... and I have no way to stop it.

I look over to my friends, still having fun and frown.

I know my bad intentions and feelings are rubbing on them too. I know my discomfort worries them and makes them feel uneasy. But how do I stop it from happening? It's like I can never fully understand myself, and yet I do.

I cover my face in my hands, sitting up with my head pounding like it always does.

"Don't tell me you're crying," I hear someone say.

I look up, and try to hide a grunt. Justin. I want to tell him to leave me alone and let me think in peace but the words won't come out.

"No, I'm not crying... Why would I be?" I blurt, forcing myself not to face palm.

"Because I crushed you in that game over there," he answers and I roll my eyes, flinging water at him.

He laughs and steps away.

"Alright, sorry," I sigh and shake my head lightly.

He sits down across from me, and we sit there in silence. Soon, my eyes slowly drift to the water again, and I'm lost in my train of thought, swirling in that black void of empty memories.

Justin gives me a confused look.

"What are you thinking about?"

My eyes snap back over to him. I guess he can't read my direct thoughts... thankfully.

"Nothing," I lie and his eyebrows furrow.

He scoots closer to me.

"You can tell me," he whispers and I chuckle.

"I'm just stressed again."

Ok so I lied... Again. I'm stressed, but I don't want him knowing that I'm thinking about him, or... simply death in general... Yet.

He makes another face.

"I know you're tired of me saying that, but it won't just go away like a butterfly," I snap and he sighs, glancing at the water and I know I won that argument.

"I just want to find a way to help you. You know holding in that many things from someone is bad for you right?"

I don't answer, and he sighs again.

"And I know a lie when I hear one," he finishes, making me grin.

We sit there in silence again, until I feel something on my hand. I don't dare look down. I pretend not to notice until I feel somebody's fingers lock with mine. At that time, I can't resist not looking down. Of course I can't see anything with the bubbles in the way.

I look back up at Justin, who bites his lip nervously. Confusion and surprisingly anger well up in me.

I still don't understand why he would be treating me like this, when we met a literal few days ago! I feel guilty for feeling angry, but then again I have a reason. And that reason is something completely out of my league, and something that I hate like a passion. Love is something I don't carry easily and yet here I am, holding the hand of sort-of-not stranger.

"What does—" I get interrupted before I finish.

"Hey! What are you two doing?" Emily calls and I see her running out of the pool towards Justin and me.

Justin's hand immediately separates from mine. Even if I'm in a hot tub, my hand feels cold without his... and I don't like that. I don't like that I notice that.

"Nothing. Just talking," Justin answers shakily.

I force myself not to face palm. He's as good as lying, as I am from keeping a lie from him.

Emily crosses her arms, and I know she doesn't believe him. Justin sighs with attitude, which almost makes me laugh.

"Alright! We were holding hands, but nothing else! Just talking," Justin protests.

Emily glances over at me and all I do is stare at the water, embarrassed.

"Can I talk to you for a just a second?" Emily asks and I don't reply.

My mind is on whirlwind of fury, and confusion.

"Edan?" She asks again, more genuinely.

I look up, and she motions me to follow her. I sigh, standing up and following her to the bathroom.

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