Chapter 23

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I wake up and find that it's 6:00 a.m. I never wake up this early unless I had to go to the bathroom. I sigh, rolling my eyes. I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I'm glad I did. I have no idea what I would've felt like if I hadn't. 

I'm about to go on towards my daydreams, when Jenny speaks from the intercom, "Excuse me for the interruption, but we will be holding a class for the following students:  Lizeth; Nayeli; Edan; Gema; Jada; and Emily.  Their partners need to come as well. Please make it to the same room that you took the test. Thank you."

I sit up slowly, tilting my head with curiosity, yet fear again.

"What do you think they need us for?" Justin asks, making me jump.

"You scared me! And I don't know... hopefully not to fight something that gains protection for us," I grumble.

"Yeah, that was just... bad," Justin whispers, making me laugh at his choice of words.

"You bet."

I get up, quickly getting dressed. I don't know if I should bring my backpack or not. You'll need it to take notes. Take it just in case. I roll my eyes at that thought. Alright. But it's not like I'll look back at them.

I sling my backpack on my shoulders, and I head to my door. I open it, closing it behind me and I yelp when I see Justin standing there.

He laughs at me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask, a hand on my chest.

He shrugs.

"I just got here actually."

I roll my eyes with a smile.

"You almost scared me to death... Again!"

He laughs again.

"Then my mission has succeeded."

I slap him lightly on the shoulder.

"Ow?" He asks.

"It wasn't supposed to hurt you, you dork."

I start walking down the halls and he quickly follows after me.

"I think you jumped about six feet," Justin states, and I roll my eyes again.

"Shut up," I snap and we wait by the elevator for everybody.

When they arrive, we go up to the fifth level. Once the elevator door opens we all jog to our classroom and open the door. A waft of toast, eggs and bacon blast on our faces. I smile, and close my eyes.

"Wow that smells good," Justin mumbles.

I nod, looking in the back of the room. There's a buffet with everything you could imagine.... Alright, I'm exaggerating again.

We hadn't eaten in a while now, and my stomach growls.

"Welcome. So glad you could join us," Devin says, jarring my thoughts.

"Take your seats after you get some food," Jenny adds and we all walk towards the buffet.

"I'm... starving," Justin mumbles and I nod again, to hungry to reply.

I head back to my desk, sitting in the exact same place as last time.

"Ok, so today we are going to learn about your powers," Devin begins.

This time, I'm sure I will listen.

He turns on the projector, and Jenny slides the screen down. Devin clicks some keys on the computer, and an eye with a rainbow-colored iris shows up on the board.

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