Chapter 28

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The only thing that is on my mind, is how to get rid of this migraine. Its driving me absolutely insane, and I can't do anything about it.

"What's your passcode...? If you can tell me," Justin asks, waiting by my door.

My head buzzes with pain as I try to remember.


He types it in and the door opens. He rushes me over to my bed, laying me down carefully. He grabs multiple different blankets, setting them on top of me as well.

I groan again with my eyes closed, moving around uncomfortably as an aching pain races through my bones.

Justin bites his lip nervously.

"I feel really bad right now," He mutters, and I groan again in response.

I don't want him to feel that way. I want to slap the sentence right out of him. He didn't do anything to me. He doesn't deserve to feel that way.

"What pain do you feel?" He asks lightly, being careful not to talk to loudly.

He sits at the edge of my bed and I open my eyes slowly, looking at the back wall. I can't stand the look on his face.

"My head and stomach," I respond in a quiet tone.

He sets his hand on my forehead.

"You're hot."

"What was going on with me? I had my eyes closed," I ask, lying about the question.

I know I was moving around, convulsing and screaming... But I want to hear an actual nice, truthful sentence come out of someone's mouth. I want him to sing to me, I want him to make me feel relaxed... Like the last time.

Last time... The moment you realized you actually had feelings for the stranger.

I shift uncomfortably, feeling my palms beginning to sweat again.

"You moved around wildly, and you were screaming like you saw a murderer."

I sigh, suddenly out of breath.

"It was frightening Justin... I saw something... Big. And it didn't exactly have a happy ending."

He nods reassuringly.

"It must've been scary. You didn't know what was going on... You should get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow."

I nod, wincing and having a euphoric moment when I hear his laugh.

"Stop nodding! You're hurting yourself!"

He rubs my shoulder and I smile back at him.

"Well at least I got a smile out of you," He mumbles, standing up.

"Now that I know your code, I'll check on you in the morning."

I hesitate on that note. Some type of emotion is hidden under that sentence, but I can't quite catch it.

"You care about me, don't you?" I ask him, barely audible.

He stares at me for a while, then sighs proudly.

"Yeah. I guess I do."

I keep the smile on my face and after a moment of silence, I have to ask a very important question.


He laughs again.

"Just cause."

He turns towards the door, walking over to it.

"Wait," I blurt weakly.

He stops and turns slowly, flinching when he sees me barely sitting up.

"I-" I close my eyes and re-think what I am about to say.

I'm going to jump to a very high conclusion, that I know I shouldn't be making yet.

"Thanks," I mumble instead.

Our eyes link, and after another stare he clears his throat.

"Um... You're welcome."

His face shows a twinge of sadness, like he wants me to say something else. I do, but it doesn't seem like the right moment.

He turns again, and walks out the door.

When I hear the click, I sigh and close my eyes.

I'm so stupid. Thanks? Really? I should've said something else to keep the conversation going! I lay back down, setting my face in the pillow and re-thinking my choices. Soon, I fall back into a deep, fearful sleep.

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