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Ugh! We had to get Timidity! She doesn't do anything! She's even too scared to come out of her hiding place! How can someone so scared turn on us?

Mike fought to get Lazy, but eventually ended up losing, so now we have the saddest one out of all of them. I remember Timidity wincing at the sound of her name, but still didn't do anything to stop us.
We decide to go into the pool floor, where we basically had to drag Timidity all the way through the elevators. She screams and wails, but she still didn't move much.

"Come on Timidity! Work with us here!" I plead, straining my voice as Mike and I pull at her arms.

We pull her onto a pool chair, and she wraps her arms around herself, clearly frightened. She threw up at least three times on our way up here. I already feel bad for the maids.
I shake my head disapprovingly.
"What do we do? She's too scared to get to know us," I say helplessly.

"Then while she's here, let's get to know her," Mike suggests.

"How do you know if she'll even talk to us?"

Mike stays silent at that one, making me sigh.
After a moment of silence and me overly contemplating my horrible life choices to get a clone, I sigh loudly again, making Timidity flinch.

"Ok. Hi, my name is Lizeth and this is Mike. We won't hurt you I promise; we just want to talk."

All Timidity does is stare at us.

"Do you want or need anything?" Mike asks her, his voice trailing off at the look Timidity gives him.

She still sits there, not moving.

I purse my lips, squinting my eyes in thought.
"I give up," I think to him.

"We barely started."

I cross my arms.
"Then what do you suggest?" I ask aloud and Mike shrugs, making me ball my fists in anger. I don't know what to do. Timidity is just too scared.

That's when an idea pops into my head.

"Hey Timidity... Want to see some magic?"

Her eyes widen a little, but she brings out a tiny smile. She nods slowly, and I smile with her.

"Ok, do you want to see invisibility?"

She nods again, her smile getting a little bit bigger. I straighten my back, and close my eyes. I say the command word, and I know immediately I'm invisible. Mostly knowing because of Timidity's shocked expression.

I reappear, and she gives me a full smile. It still looks sad and frightened... But it's a smile!
"Ok, now I need you to get up," I admit, making her smile waver.

She doesn't move from her spot, and I hold back a sigh.

"If you want more magic, you have to get up."

"What? Why?" Mike asks me.

"You're going to create your shield," I reply, forcing myself not to roll my eyes.

Mike smiles at me, and I give a small nod.

Timidity slowly gets up, being extremely cautious.

"We won't blow up," I joke earing another small smile from her.

"I know," she whispers and my jaw drops a little. She talked! Well, she whispered... But still! She talked!
"Ok, I want you to reach your hand towards Mike. Can you feel anything?"

Timidity frowns, probably thinking about if this is a trap or not.

"It's not a trap. It's magic, I promise."

Timidity squints her eyes, but reaches over anyway. She barely reaches her hand to his chest, before pulling away.

"Now Mike."

He closes his eyes, and straightens his back.

"Alright, it should be there," he thinks to me and I hesitate. Not liking the way he said "should" in that sentence.

"Ok Timidity, reach over again and see if you can feel anything."

She hesitates before reaching over again slowly, and her hand meets with the invisible barrier.

Her eyes widen, and she begins to feel around the invisible shield, all terror seemingly forgotten and curiosity in its place.

"Pretty wild huh?" Mike asks and Timidity nods in response.

She pulls back, glancing at me before walking back to her usual spot and sitting back in the chair.

She stares at the ground for a moment, then lifts her head, giving me a glare... What?

"What's wrong? Didn't we amaze you?" I ask her, tilting my head.

"Yes, you did. But master isn't here," Timidity responds, loud and clear.

My eyes widen a bit at the sudden change in her voice. I shiver slightly, glaring lightly right back to her. Has she never noticed until now that Edan wasn't around?

"Yes, she isn't here. But she's down a couple of levels, why?"

Mike grabs my arm, and pulls me back a few steps. He brings me close, and whispers in my ear, "She's turning. She's gotten the taste of freedom."

My eyes widen for the hundredth time. Oh no.
"Then what do we do, run?"

"I think that's our best option... We don't have fighting powers, only defensive ones. That would do no good in this area."

"We couldn't even kill them if we did have attack powers."

Mike nods, and we look back at the clone. She's standing now, and we slowly walk towards the elevator.

"So... Timidity, how about you stay here... We'll go get you something to drink, ok...? See you later!" I yell, and with that Mike and I sprint towards the elevator.

Timidity screeches, and runs after us. My emotions got the best of me, and I can feel myself turning invisible.

I make my way to the elevator, keeping my eyes on Mike who runs behind me, confused and looking around but Timidity runs after him as well and my eyes widen.

I need something to distract her with... Something to scare her.

"Mike. Head to the elevators. I'll be right there," I think to him as I quickly run to the right, running straight for a beach chair as Timidity continues to run after Mike who makes his way around the pool to give me more time to do whatever he thinks I'm about to do.

"What? I can't just leave you- "

"I'm not asking for you to leave. Just keep the doors open."

I grab a beach chair, watching as Mike makes his way back towards me, Timidity scowling angrily behind him as she picks up speed... Just a little closer...

Mike sprints past me and as soon as Timidity gets in front of me, I pick up the chair, throwing it and hitting Timidity straight in the side.

She flails, screaming before falling straight into the pool. I turn back to Mike who stands in the elevator, holding the door open with uneven breathing and eyes wide.

Timidity flails in the pool, screaming as I run over to Mike.

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