Chapter 45

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I get up with a smile on my face, realizing yet again that I'm okay for another day or so.

"I will get you," Justin states angrily as I stick my tongue at him in return.

Relief fills me. That was way to close.

I walk to the door, opening it to see Mike and Lizeth. I really want to just wrap my arms around them, thanking them from saving me from the embarrassment... And probably a new friend that I'm bound to lose.

"Hey guys," I say as Mike smiles at me.

"Hey, everybody is awake so we can hand out the presents." He tilts his head confusingly.

"Um... Why is Justin sneaking up behind you?" He asks me and just before I can react, someone picks me up from behind.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yell.

"Come on guys I'm carrying this one," Justin says and I punch his back. He winces, making me laugh.

"That's what you get!"

He starts to walk down the halls, with Mike and Lizeth following and with me thinking about every possibility I can think of to hurt him.

We enter the elevator, and Justin finally puts me down. I punch him lightly in the chest.

"You guys are crazy," Lizeth mumbles, earning a smile from me.

"You shouldn't be surprised," I snap and Mike shakes his head disapprovingly.

"So... What type of present is it?" I ask, clicking the lunch area button.

"You'll see," Justin responds stubbornly making me groan.

The elevator door opens, and we walk out. Everybody is sitting down, chatting away.

"So... Did everybody bring a present?" I ask nervously, not sure whether I was supposed to bring one or not.

"Nope. Only Diamond, Scarlet, and the boys."

I sigh lightly and Justin and I sit down on a couch. I glance around the room, counting and checking to see if everybody is here.

"So is everybody here?" I ask.

"Yep. Already counted," Scarlet replies happily.

"On the count of three we show them," Luke says as they put their hands behind their backs.

They already have them?!

"1... 2... 3!" Justin yells, taking out a small box.

"What's in it?" I ask immediately, and Justin grins wildly.

"You have to open it!"

I take it from his hands nervously, and slowly open the box.

"Oh my god, where did you find this it's beautiful!" I whisper, looking at the heart shaped necklace with a gold chain.

But the heart has deep dents in it... Like something is supposed to be there in its place... But I don't question it, it's awesome.

"Put it on!" Justin suggests excitedly and I slowly take it out of the box.

"Um... Will you-"

"Sure," he interrupts smiling without an ounce of nervousness in his eyes.

I turn around, and Justin snaps the necklace around my neck.

"Thank you. I love it," I mumble turning back around.

Justin smiles again, but his smile wavers and he takes the necklace in his hands.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, glancing down at his hands.

"There are supposed to be colors in it."

"What colors?"

"Orange, purple, red, gray, and pink," he answers just when the necklace pulses with a weird golden glow and Justin leans back a little.

"This is so weird... When I found it, there were colors," he says again and I make a confusing look.

I thought he bought it. Nevertheless, it's too beautiful for me to care... Even without the colors.

"Where did you find this?" I ask nervously as I notice everybody suddenly stopping their conversations to listen.

"Well... I was walking around one of the halls, when I saw an open door. It had all sorts of lab equipment in it as I looked around. I walked to the back of the room, and saw the necklace. It was dangling on the wall," he replies.

"What did the door say?"

"I remember only the letter J."

My mouth drops.

"Justin... That might have been Jenny's lab! This might be the thing that she's working on!" I state and he tilts his head.

"She was working on a project?"

I nod, but my mind swipes over with another question... What can necklace this small do? It can't be that bad a consequence, can it?

My mind goes back to when Jenny and Devin were passing out the tablets. I remember distinctly what was on it.

There was some kind of app that I never recognized before being on regular iPad or phone... What was the name? The Scanner? Maybe The Scanner will be able to tell me something about the necklace... It was made by the scientists after all... I think.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back. Justin, follow me."

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