Chapter 7

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"What!?" Gema yells, pushing her squared glasses into the right positon.

"Yes, you're on the highest mountain there is," the girl states.

"Mount Everest?" I ask them, making them both laugh which is a little shocking.

The thing with being on a mountain is not knowing how to keep your breath in check... How are we even breathing?

"No this mountain is secret. Only people like you can see it. It's higher than Mount Everest," the boy answers and mouths drop.

Higher then Mount Everest? I really hope that's an exaggeration... but you never know with these visitors.

"How can we breathe? Why isn't it freezing cold up here?" Jada asks, her brown eyes looking around the space fearfully. That's all we feel. Fear.

"We have the technology for it, to answer both of your questions," the girl answers calmly.

"What are your names? You never told us," I question, making them both smile.

"I'm scientist Jenny, this is Devin."

"Well, we better head you guys to your rooms. You can get out of those uniforms, and put on something your own style for dinner," Devin says, making me feel self-conscious as I lightly touch my brown curly hair that's in a messy pony tail.  

"Our... Rooms?" Nayeli questions.

"Yes, your rooms. Specially designed for you six," Jenny responds and my head pounds again with new found curiosity.

In this point of time, I'm thinking things might not be so bad... But you never know when I can be taking a "too soon" moment.

The scientists lead us closer to the tall metal like rectangular building. We walk through the double doors of glass, and we're met with people scattering all over the place.

The building is huge. It all basically looks like the lobby of the hotel room . . . except stone.

There are children dancing, singing, doing karate, even just drawing on the floor... Swirly steps lead all the way to the top of the building in the middle of the room, and elevators to add onto that on each side.

"Woo," Gema whispers, and all I can do is silently agree.

"Come along. You guys are on level 2," Devin states and we all follow them to an elevator, unable to speak.

We enter immediately, and my eyes widen at the direct size inside. The elevator is huge and i bet it can at least fit 50 people in it... So maybe I'm exaggerating a little. 

Jenny clicks on the second button, and we wait again with more anticipation. The elevator reaches our floor and we all walk out, seeing that it looks like a normal hotel hallway . . . but again, stone.

I can't get that lonely vibe out of my chest. Just plane stone that needs painting on. The look on Emily's face makes me guess she's thinking the same thing.

"This is Edan's room," Jenny states as we walk up to the gray painted door.

I'm number 230, and my name is written in blue letters at the top of the door.

Jenny gives me a card that I recognize as hotel cards. But, it only has numbers on it.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Your passcode," she replies.

"I have a passcode... To my room?"

She nods, and I type it onto the little keypad and the door opens immediately. My eyes widen at the space.

"Oh my, god!" I shout, running inside the gigantic room, and looking around excitedly.

It's amazing. It has blue walls which hang albums and instruments, tiny windows, a huge piano in the corner with my own packet of sheet music, a queen-sized bed with blue covers, and even a balcony.

"I see you love your new room," Devin says, making me nod excitedly.

"The new effect we added to it, was the design of sound proof walls. Enjoy that while you can," Devin continues and I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I wasn't expecting that.

"Why don't you stay here for a while and get ready, while I transport your friends to their rooms," Jenny suggests and I nod again, to happy and surprised to say anything.

Jenny gives me one last smile and closes the door.

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