Chapter 29 The Sun and The Moon

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Bam whisked Lila away to the beach as the family began preparations for dinner giving the two of them some alone time. Lila loved Bam's large family. As an only child, she never had to deal with siblings and their rivalry or their constant chattering and bickering. The noise of a large family was a welcome sound to her ears. It was probably the same reason why Bam enjoyed the quiet and the stillness of just the two of them together. She loved how he slipped his hand into hers ever so gently as if he were afraid he would break hers.

"Did you know the moon and the sun were once lovers?" He asked staring  at the setting sun.

"Tell me the story." Lila said as she squeezed his hand.

"The sun and the moon were once lovers. The sun was fiery and passionate and the moon was cool and calm. One day they fell in love with each other and spent all their time with one another. The earth never saw daylight or knew night and we're in a constant state of twilight. Neither light nor dark. The gods who governed the light and the dark became angry with the sun and the moon for not giving the earth lightness or darkness so they were separated, allowing the two only to come together in rare eclipses."

"Is that we what we are Joshua, the moon and the sun?" Lila placed her hand against Bam's cheek. He rolled his bearded face deeper into her touch.

"I hope not, Princess." Bam kissed Lila's hand and said again, "I hope not."

Back at the main cabin, the family gathered for the evening meal.  Bam and Lila were the last two to be seated. "We thought we'd lost the two of you. Where did you disappear to?" Matt wiggled his eyebrows as Bam cast him a stern look.

Lila was quick to reply they had taken a short walk on the beach. Bird and Rain giggled and exchanged whispers as girls often do. Billy interrupted and began saying grace before the tribe indulged in Ami's culinary efforts. The family conversations were lively at dinner covering everything from future improvements to Browntown and whether or not Gabe should shave his mutton chops sideburns off. It was unanimous...shave the sideburns. Lila reveled in the family fun and felt quite at ease sharing some of her past with the family and they welcomed her new stories.

The lateness of the frivolity finally caught up with everyone as slowly each of the brothers bid goodnight and headed for their respective homes. Lila followed Bam to just outside of the cabin and he pulled her into the shadows away from prying eyes. The air had turned slightly colder because Lila could see her breathe in front of her.

Bam brushed Lila's hair behind her ear and kissed the nape of her neck. Lila let out a quiet mew. He had a way of pushing all her buttons when he graced her neck with his lips. His hand swept across the front of her shirt and he immediately took notice of her excitement. "Cold or just happy to be near me?" He asked with a cockiness in his question.

Lila looped her fingers in his belt loops and pulled his waist closer to hers and asked him the same question as her hand ghosted the front of his jeans. He growled in her ear. "One of us needs to say goodnight before we cause a disturbance."

He leaned in and kissed Lila long, deep and hard. He left her breathless as he had a way of making her weak in the knees with just one kiss. As he turned to leave, he uttered the words, "Good night moon."

Lila walked to the stairs of the porch, hugging herself to stay warm and responded back. "Good night sun."

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