Chapter 51 Violin Lesson

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It felt strange to Lila to be in the trapper shack again. In her recent memory, she had never been there before but she knew from Bam that she had shared the space with him. The accommodations were basic but any where Bam was Lila knew was home. She found her pack in the corner which only confirmed what he had already told her about their time together.

"Make yourself at home." Bam motioned to Lila to unload the items they brought back from their stay with Kay and Kenny. Once Bam and Lila settled into their surroundings, they took the basket of Kay's goodies to the main cabin.

Lila hesitated at the door to the cabin. She was a little nervous about seeing the entire family at one time. In their excitement to welcome people, the family's questions could be a little overwhelming. Lila looked at Bam and asked, "Hold my hand and don't let go." Lila exhaled and opened the door. Bam tightened his grip on her hand.

"Hello everyone." Bam's voiced boomed through the cabin. Ami and Billy were glad to see the couple and motioned to them to come and sit at the table. Ami was busy getting the evening meal on the table and the remainder of the pack had already taken their spots around the table. Noah provided the grace for the dinner offering thanks for the safe return of Bam and Lila to the family.

The questions began to fly as soon as Noah said amen. Lila tried to answer them the best she could. In the end, it was just easier to tell the family the whole story from start to finish leaving out the most intimate details. She also left out the most important detail....that Bam had asked her to marry him. She wanted to keep that secret between she and Bam, at least for now.

After dinner, the family encouraged Bam to play his violin for them. He and Lila walked to the trapper shack to secure his instrument. Before returning to the cabin, Bam asked Lila why she didn't tell the family about his proposal. Lila looked in his eyes and told him, "Some things are so special that they don't need to be shared with the family just yet."

"Does that mean you've changed your mind?" Bam asked in a hopeful voice.

"Patience is a virtue, Mr. Brown." Lila stroked his cheek.

"It's not my virtue I want." Bam replied. "It's yours."

"Why Mr. Brown, I like the way you think." Lila giggled and planted a kiss on his lips. Bam immediately responded back but Lila pushed him out the door and back to the cabin.

It was good to have everyone under one roof and the music that flowed from Bam's violin seemed to calm the excitement of their return to Browntown. Noah settled into reading a book while Gabe, Bear, and the girls played cards at the dinner table. Matt busily transformed found silverware into little pieces of art while Lila helped Billy and Ami clear the table before settling on the floor next to Bam.

His violin skills were a hidden talent that he hadn't mentioned and she didn't remember. His long fingers held the neck of the violin with such precision. Lila loved the way he closed his eyes when he pulled the bow across the strings. His passion for the instrument was evidenced by the melodies that flowed from it.

Billy and Ami retired early followed by the siblings one by one until Bam and Lila were the only ones left in the cabin.

"You're a man of many hidden talents, Mr. Brown."

Bam smiled slyly at her. "I can teach you to play."

Lila moved closer to him and suggested instead he play her. Bam welcomed the invitation. "With pleasure, Ms. Jenkins." Their walk back to the trapper shack was quick as he wanted to teach Lila the art of the violin.

Bam slowly undid the buttons to his shirt as he told Lila that not everyone who plays a violin can make beautiful music with it. "Do you like beautiful music, Lila?" She nodded not taking her eyes off of him. She reveled in the sight of his chiseled chest. He moved closer to her connecting his lips with her neck and telling her that this was the most sensitive part of a violin. Lila hummed her agreement in his ear. He knew exactly how to play this instrument as he pulled her shirt over her head. He guided her to the edge of his bed slowly removing her jeans and panties letting the excitement build like a crescendo. As he laid her back on the bed, he removed the remainder of his clothing. He explained to her that the bridge of the violin was where the sound came from as he slipped his hand between her thighs and began to stroke her. She made her own melodic sounds at his touch. He could feel her desire as her body arched towards him. He caressed her hips and explained to her that the bridge of the violin transmitted the vibrations and produced the most beautiful sounds of the instrument. She moaned wanting him to play her. His hands moved softly over her lower abdomen as he told her that the bow needed to be perfectly aligned with the strings to get the perfect sound. His bow was ready and she let out a high pitch as he slowly played her body like he played his violin. His touch was delicate at first and the longer he played the more passionate the music became until they found a perfect rhythm.

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