Chapter 68 Endings

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Their time at Pearson's Pond was one that they would always remember. Lila and Bam spent their days hiking, fishing and zip lining and their nights were occupied with romantic dinners, double bubble baths, and the usual bedroom adventures that newlyweds enjoy.

Bam scanned the room for the last of the luggage as Lila wrapped up checking out of Pearson's. They met back at the car for the drive home. "I don't want to leave." Lila sighed as she slipped into the passenger side of the car.

Bam rubbed her knee. "I promise you we'll come back again." He felt the same emotion as Lila. Being with her was everything he needed and the return to the responsibility of ordinary life would soon take over their routine.  Their solitude would be soon interrupted by parents, siblings and the return to normal.

They would spend their last night in Juneau with Jack and Becky and take a boat to Hoonah to be picked up by the family for their final destination in Browntown.

Jack and Becky were pleased to see the newlyweds return even if it was only for one night. The older couple took enjoyment watching the younger version of themselves. One day, they hoped to see Lila and Bam with their own family.

"You are always welcome here and you know you can come back anytime." Becky was the sweetest woman. She always treated Lila liked her own daughter and she filled that void that was left in her life when her mother passed away.

Lila reached for Becky's hand and held it in hers as they made their way upstairs. "You and Jack will always be my family and I will always come back to see you."

As Becky reached the top of the stairs, she hugged Lila. "You have a good man waiting for you in there. Make sure you make him your priority in your life."

"He is my world." Lila kissed Becky on the cheek and reached for the door to their bedroom. Bam was in the shower taking advantage of the amenities of city living. Lila slipped off her clothes and tiptoed in the steamy shower sliding her arms around Bam's waist.

"Mmmm, I sure hope you're my wife." Bam huskily growled.

"I can be anybody you want right now." Lila purred back.

"Why Mrs. Brown, aren't you the naughty one tonight!"

Bam whipped around quickly backing Lila all the way to the cold tile wall. She was caught between his arms as he brought his mouth down to hers probing it with the urgency of man in love. Lila still clutched his waist pressing herself closer to him, her desire growing more intense. Bam traced a line straight from her chest to her core as Lila moaned her approval. She wrapped one leg around him as his fingers slipped inside her and signaled her readiness to take him. He wasted no time lifting her up and onto him as he made love to her until the water ran cold against their skin.

Lila grabbed a towel and threw it over Bam's dripping mane. She tousled his hair under the towel. "I love your wild hair." As they made their way to the bed, Lila sat behind Bam on her knees and braided his damp locks into two large braids. "You'll thank me in the morning. I don't want to have to brush out any rats nest in this hair of yours."

Bam laughed. "I don't let just anyone touch the hair."

"Yeah, what's up with all of you and the hair thing?" Lila asked as she finished adding a rubber band to the second braid.

I think it has to do with Da. He has  always cut our hair but after a few bad cuts, Bear, Noah and I decided we weren't going to let him butcher the hair anymore."

"So this is how many years of no cuts?" Lila flipped his braids forward.

"More than I care to count." Bam turned to face Lila. "Maybe I'll trust you with the scissors to give me a trim."

"On second thought, maybe I'll just let it grow to my waist." Bam pulled Lila down the bed and under him as he kissed her goodnight. She curled up in the crook of his chest where she felt perfectly at home. They had a big day tomorrow and rest was a priority for the night.

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