Chapter 12 Longing

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Rainy and Bird were excited to have Lila as a temporary roommate. Bam had told them about her time in New York and they had a hundred questions for her. They spoke about dress styles and makeup turning to who's hot in NYC. The girls were enthralled with her stories and updates. Rain and Bird wanted to style Lila's hair.  When they pulled her hair back, Rain screamed, "Did our brother do that to your neck?"

Lila blushed and tried to hide the mark Joshua had left on her neck. "God, he must really like you!" Lila rolled her hand over the lovebite and  remembered how sexy his breath was on her neck. The only thing Lila wanted to do was to be alone with Joshua again. She was quite certain he was wide awake in the trapper shack thinking about what had transpired earlier that evening. It was magic, magic in the moonlight.

As the girls fell asleep, Lila tossed and turned. Her thoughts kept returning to Joshua, thoughts of him were making her restless in so many different ways.

Joshua paced the floor of the trapper shack cursing himself for letting his family monopolize Lila's time. He had her attention only for a short time today before a family member would whisk her off for another Brown family activity. He was feeling quite restless himself and resorted to doing pushups to work off his pent up energy.

Lila rose from the pallett that Rain and Bird had created for her on the floor of their room and walked quietly to the window. She could see Joshua's trapper shack and the light emanating from it. He was still awake. Lila's hand pressed against the glass as if she were trying to touch him, leaving only a handprint of what her heart longed for that night.

Joshua walked outside the trapper shack to cool off in the evening air. He looked up to the window of Rain and Bird's room and wondered how Lila could sleep after what transpired in the moonlight after dinner. He wondered to himself if he had been to forthright with his advance on her but then he smiled to himself and realized she didn't protest his kiss.

Bam walked closer to the girls' window and scooped up a hand of small pebbles and began throwing them one at a time against the glass. He had hoped to wake Lila. Ping. Ping. Ping. He saw a figure at the window and realized it was Lila. She slid the sash of the window open as quietly as possible. Lila whispered, "Joshua, what are you doing?"

"I needed to see you tonight." Joshua's hair hung loose over his shoulders. He looked so wild in the night light. "Do you like me? I mean really like me?"

Lila's heart jumped and she replied without hesitation.  "Yes, I like you."

Bam looked away grinning and responded. "Tomorrow, I want you all to myself. No family interruptions! You good with that idea?"

"Joshua, go back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning. And yes, I'm good with that idea."

That's all the information Bam needed to know as he sauntered back to the trapper shack.

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