Chapter 53 Target Practice

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"What are we doing today?" Lila asked with all the enthusiasm of a child.

"I thought I'd teach you how to protect yourself out here." Bam replied reaching for his rifle.

"Protecting me from you?" She smiled  making her eyes wide with desire.

"I think I'm the one that needs protection in this relationship. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for."

"Mr. Brown, are you insinuating that your not up for the task?"

He growled, "Ms. Jenkins, I can handle anything you throw at me."

"That's good to know Mr. Brown." Lila brushed up closer to him and her fingers lightly danced over the lower part of his jeans. "I guess I'll have to get more creative."

"Only if you're up to the challenge." Bam chuckled. He so enjoyed their sexual repartee. It only made him want her more as she always saved these exchanges for their alone time. His brothers would never believe that this sweet woman was such a wildcat
in the bedroom. Yep, he was a very lucky man.

Lila and Bam hiked to the open field for her first lesson in handling a rifle. Lila liked the way he patiently taught her the parts of the rifle showing her how to load and unload the bullets. He stood behind her demonstrating the proper way to the hold the rifle. Lila loved this part the best especially when she could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck. She tried to keep her composure when all she really wanted to do was rip his clothes off and make love to him right in the middle of the target practice field. She forced herself to refocus on the task at hand. Too bad that she would soon have to reveal that she already knew how to handle a rifle.

"Now, let's see if you can hit the target. Remember, the rifle has some kick to it."

Lila took his rifle in hand. She stood steadily drawing the weapon up to her shoulder. She carefully eyed the scope and smoothly pulled the trigger. Her shot landed just shy of the bulleyes but close enough to be a direct hit.

Bam took his hat off, shading his eyes and peering at the target. He slowly turned to Lila. "Why you little already know how to shoot." She laughed and winked at him.

"Sometimes, Mr. Brown, you forget I grew up in Alaska." Lila smiled cockily at him.

"You never cease to amaze me, woman." Bam shook his head smiling like a proud father.

"How about a little friendly competition?" She asked.

"I'm not falling for that one again." Bam laughed heartily. "Last time I played to win, I ended up naked."

Lila purred, "And would that be such a bad thing?"

Bam thought for a moment. "Okay, you're on. We'll shoot shot for shot. First one to miss, loses and winner gets their way tonight."

"Prepare to lose Mr. Brown." Lila took her first shot. Bam shot next. The exchange went on for nine rounds. They matched each other shot for shot.  Lila stepped up to take her tenth shot. She glanced at Bam standing there with his weight shifted to one side and sighed at the sight of him. What was she thinking? She purposefully moved the rifle slightly to the right so she would miss her shot. Bam easily made his last shot.

"Hell yeah!" Bam sauntered over to the spot where Lila stood. "Looking forward to our time together Ms. Jenkins."

"As I always do, Mr. Brown."

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