Chapter 183 Labor

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Bear watched Rose sleep and couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again. She was a beautiful bride and even a more beautiful mother-to-be and he felt he was the luckiest man in the world. Although he had been persistent in his pursuit of her, he still found it unbelievable that he was now married and would be a father in less than eight months.

Rose began to stir and he laid next to her kissing her softly. "Good morning, husband."

"I like the sound of that, wife."

"What's your pleasure this morning besides me?" Rose nipped at his chest.

"Anything. I'm starving in the food sense. I worked up quite an appetite."

As Rose listened to what he might like to eat, she began to feel queasy. She flew from the bed into the bathroom and began throwing up. Bear ran to her side, pulling her hair back as she hugged the toilet.

She grabbed for a towel and wiped her mouth. "Morning sickness?" He asked softly.

She nodded her head as he helped her up. "How about a warm bath?" He reached across the tub and turned the faucet on. He took her blanket from her and helped her in the bath. "I'll sit here until your feeling normal."

"Uh no. This is still my honeymoon. Get yourself in here." She pulled him in the tub. Red couldn't decide whether she liked him wet and naked or dry and naked. What she did realize was that he was the best part of her. Once she opened herself up to him, she had felt a great sense of relief in her life. Not only had she gained a companion for life but she had gained a renewed sense of everything. She felt better, baked better and was a better person in general. She had gained a large and loving family and felt a sense of belonging and community like never before.

"What are you staring at?" He laughed as she shampooed his hair.


"Have I changed that much since our wedding?"

"You just get cuter every day." Red dabbed his nose with bubbles.

"Mrs. Brown, how about we have breakfast in bed today? I make some mean scrambled eggs and I know how to burn toast."

"Mr. Brown, the things you say that make my heart soar."

Bear jumped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist scurrying to the kitchen to impress Red with his culinary skills. Red dried off and changed into something more than her birthday suit as Bear served up eggs, toast and juice.


Back in Hoonah, Jill didn't quite feel right. She had a restless night and the baby had kicked more then usual. Matt had already left for the mill with Gabe and Noah leaving Jill and Lucas at the apartment.

"Mama, are you okay?" Lucas asked with a mouthful of cereal.

"Yes, Luke." Jill paused holding her side. "The baby's just moving a lot."


"Yes, Lukie."

"There's water on the floor." Lucas pointed to where Jill stood. She realized immediately that her water was getting ready to break.  She tried not to panic and called Lucas to her side.

"What's wrong Mama?"

"Lucas, I need you to go get Daddy and Uncle Bam. Can you run to the mill by yourself and tell them the baby is coming?"

"Yes, Mama. I'll run really fast."

"Lucas, you need to be careful crossing the street by yourself. Remember, look both ways."

"I'll be careful Mama."

Lucas took off down the stairs as Jill watched him head towards the mill. The remaining water exited her body in a sudden gush. She held tightly to the banister of the stairs as panic slowly began to sink in.

Lucas was out of breath when he flew into the mill office. "Daddy, Mama is having the baby."

"What?" Lucas pointed in the direction of the apartment.

"You stay here with Aunt Lila." Lucas nodded and went to find his aunt. Matt raced to the construction site  yelling for Bam. "Bam, Jill's in labor."

Both men raced to the apartment where they found Jill patiently waiting for them. She had managed to put a few things in a bag to take with her to the clinic.

"Jillian, baby, are you okay?"

"Matt, my water broke. I think my labor has started." She paused looking around. "Where's Lucas?"

"He's with Lila." Bam replied. He volunteered to call ahead to the clinic as Matt carried Jill down the staircase. The clinic was a short walk from their apartment and the clinic staff was prepared for her arrival swiftly moving her into a room for delivery.

"Mattie, I'm scared." Jill gripped his hand and squeezed.

"Piece of cake, baby. Lila and I delivered two in the woods with no medical assistance. You got a midwife, a nurse practioner and me."

Jill smiled weakly. "Mattie, forgive me ahead of time for what I may say during delivery."

"Baby, it'll be like I never heard it. If you need to curse me, go right ahead.
I'm sure I've heard it before."

"Can I talk to Bam alone?"

"Sure, babe. I'll send him in."

Matt switched places with Bam. Jill motioned him closer to her. "Promise me, if anything goes wrong with this delivery, you'll make them save the baby."

Bam whispered to her. "Nothing is going to happen to you Jillian. You're going to have a baby. Matt's going to be a dad again. And you're going to be a great mother."

Jill reached for his shirt pulling him closer. "Promise me, Bam."

He didn't want to make the promise. That was Matt's call but she was insistent for reasons he couldn't explain. "I promise, Jill. I promise."

Matt traded places again with Bam asking him what she wanted. He lied to his brother and told him she wanted to make sure he would stay with Matt throughout the whole ordeal. Bam didn't want to cause his brother any undue stress during what may be a long day.

The midwife had prepped Jill for delivery. Unfortunately without a doctor on site, she would have to forego an epidural. As her labor progressed, her patience eroded along with her manners. References to "removing this demon spawn from her body" caused Matt to chuckle. Her language only became more coarse as she writhed in the pain of motherhood.

As Bam waited in the lobby, Gabe, Noah, and Lila showed up to await the arrival of the newest Brown. They couldn't get word to Browntown in time for Any and Billy to come to Hoonah. Rainy and Bird volunteered to keep the kids. A hospital waiting room was no place for the little ones. "Has anyone called Bear and Rose," Lila asked, volunteering to call the resort where they were staying.

Rose answered the phone and heard Lila's voice. "Is everything okay?" Bear walked closer to her wanting to know what was wrong. She hung the phone up. "We need to go home. Jill's in labor and she's early."


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