Chapter 169 Kiss and Tell

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Bear's kiss lingered a little longer as he said goodbye to Red and headed back to Jill and Matt's place. He knew he would have some explaining to do as he failed to call and let them know he wouldn't be home the previous night. He let himself into their apartment and was greeted by both Matt and Jill. Lucas came flying around the corner catching a weary Bear off guard almost knocking him to the ground.

Before Bear could utter a good morning, Jill was already grilling him over why he hadn't called. Matt smirked at Bear, sympathetic to his cause, but knowing Jill had been worried about him. It wasn't like Bear to not check.

"Bear Brown, have you forgotten how to use a telephone?" Jill stood with her hands on her hips looking somewhat maternal with her growing baby bump.

Bear deserved the blessing out as he was still a guest in their home. "Sorry, sis! I had good reason."

Matt whispered under his breath. "Wouldn't have something to do with a red headed girl?"

Bear's eyes darted away from Jill to Matt and he tried in all seriousness not to smile but Matt knew his younger brother like a book. "Yep, just as I told you Jill....he got lucky."

Jill grabbed Lucas and covered his ears with her hands. "Out! Out of my house with that talk! Are you trying to corrupt Lucas?"

Matt and Bear broke out into laughter. "Give him a few years, babe. He'll be breaking hearts with those baby blues soon enough." Matt grabbed his brother by the arm and pulled him out the door to the sawmill.

"Come on lover boy." Matt chased Bear down the stairs. "You can tell me all about it at work."

Lucas turned to his mom and asked. "How did Uncle Bear get lucky?" An exasperated Jill just sighed and coaxed Lucas to finish his breakfast.

Red was completely distracted at work by her thoughts of Bear. As she kneaded her bread dough for the afternoon orders, she closed her eyes reliving the night before. The way he had kissed her scarred wrists left an indelible imprint upon her. No one had ever told her not to hide her scars. He found them to be just as beautiful as every other part of her. He had conquered not only her fears that night but her heart. She had never been so thoroughly explored as if she were virgin territory.

"Red, Red!" The voice interrupted her thoughts of him. "You're overworking the dough." Lucy pointed to the counter. "Are you okay today? You seem a little distracted."

"Late night." Red replied yawning the words.

Lucy eyed Red closely and then punched her in the shoulder. "Oh my God, you got laid last night!"

Red blushed. "Let's not advertise it to all the customers!  But yes, I had spend the night company last night."

Lucy squealed her excitement. "Tell me more you little tramp!"

Red laughed. " was great."

"Just great or fireworks great!" Lucy asked with a raised eyebrow.

Red thought for a minute before she answered. "It was fireworks great the first time, the second time and this morning."

Lucy bellowed. "Damn girl, no wonder you are so tired."

Red giggled back. "It was the best damn tired I've ever had in a very long time."

Bear had so much energy on the walk to the sawmill that Matt finally had to ask what happened with Red.

"I don't kiss and tell." Bear replied.

"Well, you may not be telling it, but I can see the telltale signs of a man who got laid."

"You can't tell anything." Bear stated in a haughty tone.

Matt began pointing out the signs. "First, your shirt is on inside out. Second you have love bites on your neck. And last of all, those scratches on your arms didn't get there by themselves."

Okay, so yes, I slept with Red." Bear sighed. "It was mind blowing and I think I'm in love with her."

"Slow it down, lover. There's plenty of time to decide that. I think you should take her home to Browntown to see how you really live. She doesn't seem like the kind of chick that wants to call a treehouse home."

Bear's enthusiasm was momentarily  dampened by Matt's comments.  He was probably right. She had an established business, her own home, and all the conveniences of town. He couldn't imagine Red living in his treehouse and yet he couldn't imagine  not having the entire outdoors as his playground. Lila had moved to the bush but only after Bam built her a proper home. Matt moved to town for Jill and her business but he had wanted to breakaway from home and his family for sometime.

Maybe Matt was right. He should invite her home with him, something   he had never done before except for a date or two but never overnight company.

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