Chapter 10: The Trip to Browntown

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The next morning Lila found Joshua knocking at her door. "Pack a bag. I want to take you home."

"To Juneau?" She asked.

"No to my home and pack your camera." Bam seemed frantically excited. "The tide is going out so we need to hurry." Lila grabbed an overnight bag and stuffed some  clothing in it along with her boots. The door slammed behind them and they raced to the dock. Lila recognized the brothers from the dance. They all came up on deck to greet her hello. Matt especially was happy to see her. "I knew you couldn't stay away from me." Bam gave Matt a drop dead look and mumbled under his breath to back off.

Noah, being the gentleman he was, escorted Lila around the boat for a short tour while Bam and the others prepared to navigate the Integrity out of Hoonah. "My brother seems quite smitten with you." Noah said with a raised eyebrow. "I don't really ever recall a time when he brought a girl to Browntown." Lila tried to hide the flush in her cheeks by pulling her scarf higher around her cheeks. "Well by the roses in your cheeks, I see the feeling is mutual."

Lila looked Noah directly in the eyes and begged him to keep her secret. "I don't want to ruin this....let's just let it unfold naturally, but yes I do like Joshua."

Noah gave her a tight squeeze on her arm. "You're secret is safe with me but I wouldn't share it with any of my other brothers. They like to get Bam riled up. It's become a family sport."

Noah brought Lila to the wheelhouse. "I've returned Lila no worse for the wear brother." Bam's eyes never broke from the ocean in front of him but Lila thought she saw a hint of his crooked little smile just momentarily. "Thanks Noah."

"Lila, get your camera. There's some shots I want you to take. We usually run into whale pods on the way back to Browntown and it is a sight to behold."

Lila quickly dug through her overnight bag pulling out her camera and lense. She assembled them and took a few random shots.

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