Chapter 22 Wild Thing

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The knock at the door was expected. Bradley Kensington was always prompt. Jack showed him into the main room while Becky fetched a tray of coffee and biscuits. Lila stood in the doorway and watched him silently move through the room fingering her father's collection of photos. He cut an excellent figure in his tailored suit and Italian leather shoes. His hair was peppered with gray highlights. He was tall and fit and incredibly handsome. She had secretly harboured a crush on him for so many years. She recalled scribbling her name as a teenager....Mrs. Lila Kensington....Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kensington. When her father had arranged for Brad to serve as her mentor after she completed college, she couldn't have been more pleased and for the last two years, she had learned everything she could from him about the magazine business, social media, and photography. Every night, she would pine for Brad as a series of women would make their way through Brad's life and bedroom like a revolving door. They were shallow, materialistic and callous women. That didn't seem to bother Brad because he always got what he wanted from them in the bedroom.

Lila cleared her throat and Bradley turned to see her for the first time in weeks. He grinned and held out his arms. Lila found herself buried in his chest. The familiarity was intoxicating. "You look tired Lila." His voice was deep and fatherly in tone.

"It's been an ordeal. So much has happened since I left New York."

Brad escorted her to the couch never letting go of her hand. Although she looked tired to Brad, he noticed subtle changes in her. She wore her hair loose now.  She appeared to be more relaxed in jeans and boots than her usual New York attire of black designer labeled clothes. Her skin looked more colorful than usual probably because of her exposure to more time outdoors in Alaska but nevertheless, she was just as he remembered. Attractive. Her eyes studied his face as he spoke.

"I want you to come back to New York with me this week. I really need your help with the magazine. It's not been the same since you left."

Lila couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Had she heard him correctly? Was he saying he needed her?

Brad still holding her hand stared into her eyes and said the words she so wanted to hear every day in New York. "I need you."

A few months ago, she would have gladly followed Brad to hell if he had asked her but now things were different. They were complicated by her feelings for Bam.

Lila looked at Brad, pulling her hand from his hand. "What do you mean by you need me?"

Brad's eyes pierced hers as he spoke the words she had longed to hear. "Lila, you know as well as I do that as long as your father was alive, I wouldn't cross that line but he's not here anymore. I want you in New York..." He paused. "I want you."

Lila was speechless but in a way that conflicted her. She felt a heat rise up in her that was strange. It wasn't the same feeling she had felt for Joshua. She could only find one word that fit the feeling that overwhelmed her. It was lust...pure and simple lust. It would have been so easy to fall into Brad's arms and forget about the past few weeks. He would take care of everything and she'd only have to say yes. But as she spoke, she heard the words leaving her mouth and they were not what she had ever expected to say. "I can't."

Brad sat in silence as she uttered the words. Searching for any clue as to what had changed, something was different about her but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Things have changed. I've changed. I've met someone here."

Brad's eyes turned dark and anger flushed his cheeks. His tone changed almost instantly. "Met someone? Here in this backwoods town?"

"Careful Bradley, I'm from this backwoods town or maybe you've forgotten that fact."

"You're being childish, Lila. Your life is in New York with me. I'll come back when you've had time to think about your next steps and we'll discuss it further."

Lila stood up to leave the room but Bradley grabbed her arm and held it tightly. "Lila, let's quit playing games. You're not a wild thing. Let's just go back to New York and start fresh. I'll be back tomorrow." Brad showed himself to the front door and to his car.

Lila watched as he sped off nearly running over the man walking up the street. As Lila turned to go back in the house, she hesitated momentarily, turning back to look at the figure walking towards the property. As Lila stared more intently at the approaching figure, she soon realized that she recognized that outline. It was him.

Lila ran the remainder of the way to the driveway gate. Emotions overwhelmed her and tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes.

"Woman, those better be tears of joy." The gravelly voice was a familiar and welcome sound. She stood across from him stunned that he was in Juneau. Lila flung herself at Bam so hard she knocked him off balance and they both tumbled to the ground. "I take it then you're rather glad to see me."

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