Chapter 52 Pillowtalk 2

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Bam: Good morning, Ms. Jenkins.

Lila: Good morning, Mr. Brown.

Bam: Sleep well?

Lila: Like a baby.

Bam: Funny you should mention that.

Lila: You're pregnant?

Lila: Giggles into her pillow.

Bam: Do you like kids?

Lila: I used to be one.

Bam: Can you see yourself as a mom?

Lila: I've already been one.

Bam: You have?

Lila: Yep, two of them. A boy and a girl.

Bam: Who's their father?

Lila: Who do you think?

Bam: I'm on shaky ground here.

Lila: His name is Joshua.

Bam: (Smiling) Really. What's he like?

Lila: He's like you.

Bam: So he's incredibly handsome and great in bed.

Lila: Oh much better than that.

Bam: I have something to aspire to.

Lila: I like a man with lofty goals.

Bam: Do these kids have names?

Lila: Jace and Lily.

Bam: Are they as beautiful as their mother?

Lila: They are as handsome as their father.

Bam: Good genes.

Lila: Uh huh!

Bam: So you think you might marry this Joshua guy one day?

Lila: Maybe.

Bam: What's he got to do to get you to say yes?

Lila: He'll know when the time is right.

Bam: He must be a patient man.

Lila: Yep, and I'm a very lucky girl.

Bam: Do you love him?

Lila: Every day my love for him grows a little stronger.

Bam: Sounds like they have a future.

Lila: I've seen the future. It's bright.

Bam: I hope you will be very happy.

Lila: I'm already very happy.

Bam: We should go to breakfast.

Lila: We should but did I ever tell you that I know how to play the flute?

Bam: (Smiling devilishly.) Isn't that considered a "wood" instrument?

Lila: Why Mr. Brown, how you make a girl blush?

Bam: Are you giving lessons this morning to anyone in particular?

Lila: I had an excellent violin teacher last night that might enjoy the pleasure of a flute lesson.

Bam: Well, don't let me stop the lesson. I've got my flute handy.

Lila: And it's such a lovely flute.

Bam: It's a family heirloom.

Lila: Then I will treasure it always.

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