Chapter 16 Night

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Joshua and Lila arrived back at Browntown just in time for the family dinner. Ami could immediately sense there was something different about both of them as soon as they entered the main cabin. She watched as Bam walked Lila to the table never taking his hand off her back as he guided her to a seat. Bam purposefully sat himself between Matt and Lila staking his claim even if his brother didn't pick up on the subtle hint.

The conversation was lively as usual at the table. Bear and Gabe tried to goad Bam into talking about the couple's disappearance today but Bam remained tight-lipped. It was Lila who spoke and talked about the beauty of the land and the solitude of the hike.

Matt joked with Bam that he must really quit stealing his future wife. Ami saw Bam's eyes go dark and cast a stern look to Matt. Ami asked knowingly, "Matthew, can you help me in tbe kitchen with the platters?"

Matt quickly climbed from behind the table to help. When they were out of earshot, Ami scolded Matt. "Matthew Brown, can you not see your brother has taken an interest in that young lady?"

Matt looked at her somewhat confused. "Bam....and Lila? Really, I thought he just liked her because they both liked photography. Well, I'll be damned. Bam likes a girl." Matt snickered to his mom and promptly kissed her on the forehead. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of any future grandchildren for you."

Ami placed her hand on Matthew's forearm and whispered "Thank you."

When dinner was finished, Lila offered to help clear the dishes but this time Ami insisted she didn't need any help. Bam passed a knowing smile to his mom and she nodded back. It was clear to him that his mother knew he had taken a serious liking to Lila.

Bear called to Lila as soon as she stepped out on the cabin porch. "Hey, Lila, come see the swing Bam made."

"You made a swing?" She was intrigued by this new revelation.

"It was a gift. I had to leave the family for awhile and I wanted to give the family something they would enjoy while I was gone. A token to remember me by..."

Lila hopped on the swing with Bear  and the girls as Gabe and Bam pushed the group back and forth. Bear let out an appreciative howl while the girls squealed with laughter. It pleased Bam to see Lila comfortable with his family and her surroundings. It pleased him even more to hear her joyful laughter which rang through the encampment like sunshine on steroids.

As night began to fall, Joshua walked Lila back to the main cabin pulling her to the side of the house. He stared intently into Lila's eyes not saying a word. His hand pushed her hair over her ear and he used a single finger to trace the outline of her face. Lila never broke eye contact with him. Her hands rested on his chest and she could feel the rhythm of his beating  heart. His head bent closer to hers and he eagerly found her willing. His tongue parted her lips and she responded to his deepening kiss. He moved closer to her and for the first time in her life she felt that she had been kissed and properly at that. 

Joshua moved his lips to her neck whispered in her ear. "I just wanted to make sure that you have no doubt how much I like you."

Lila could barely form an audible sentence. "Uh huh."

"I'll see you in the morning." Joshua said and took a step back but Lila pulled him back in. She wasn't finished with him.

"Joshua Brown, are you going to leave me breathless and restless for a second night?"

Bam scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the main cabin and up the stairs to Rain and Bird's room. "That's exactly how I am going to leave you tonight."

Rain and Bird giggled as Bam dropped her on the pallet and kissed each of them good night before making his way back to the trapper shack.

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