Chapter 26 Dance Again

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The trip to Hoonah was a long one and gave Lila ample time to think through her next steps. She hadn't sent notice to Bam that she was coming as she didn't want him disappearing unexpectedly. She had booked herself a room at the lodge and found Kay waiting in the lobby when she arrived. Kay hugged Lila tightly as she teared up and told her what had happened. Kay offered some reassuring words to Lila. "He's just scared. They're all scared when they finally find the right one."

"He left in the middle of the night. No note. No phone call. Nothing." Lila's heart break was written all over her face.

"Let's get you settled in your room and we'll figure out what to do next." Kay and Lila carried her bags to her room and sat down to talk about the situation. "Why don't you join Kenny and me for dinner tonight? There's a little place in town where the locals hangout. It'll do you some good to clear your head and Kenny sure won't mind walking in the place with two beautiful women again. He's still talking about the splash he made at the dance your first week in town. "

Lila giggled through her tears. That was a memorable night as it was the night she had met the Brown brothers but most importantly Bam. "Okay, I'll go."

"Great. We'll pick you up at seven and wear something that will make every man envious of my Kenny." Kay winked at Lila as she closed the door behind her.

Tonight would just be fun for Lila. She would deal with locating Bam the next day. It would be time to blow off some steam with Kay and Kenny. They were a great couple and Lila loved spending time with them. Kenny had a bigger than life personality and Kay was the rock that kept him and their relationship grounded. Lila had hoped that one day, she and Joshua would be like that to each other.

As promised, Kay and Kenny arrived in the hotel lobby at 7pm. Kenny whistled a wolf call as Lila stepped off the elevator. "You're gonna break hearts tonight, girl." Kay had Lila turn around in a circle to see her dress. It was purple and covered all her body parts from neck to her wrists but it's how the dress fit that gave it, it's ummph. "Lila, that's a nice pair of sticks you have there," referring to her long legs that were made even longer by her choice of heels. "You girls are gonna start a riot tonight."

Lila and Kay giggled as Kenny escorted his dates out the door and to their destination. As they approached the entrance, they could hear the music blaring. Groups of people congregated both inside and outside the restaurant. The place was dimly lit, had a crowded dance floor and a live band and by the looks of the plates coming out of the kitchen, Lila could see why it was popular with the locals.

The hostess steered the trio to a table in the corner. Kay could see immediately that Lila had attracted the eyes of more than a few men as they walked to their table. She'd have to run interference tonight on some of the characters hanging out at the bar.

"Kenny, this is great. I love country music!" Lila's taste in music always perplexed her New York friends who were more into dance and urban music while she always preferred country music. She must have developed that love of country music listening to her dad's old albums of Hank Williams and Johnny Cash when she was a kid. At least with this music, she could sing along with the lyrics.

The waitress delivered menus and took their drink orders. Kenny took Kay on a whirl around the dance floor before their dinner arrived. Lila declined several invitations to dance herself especially from the guys that looked unkempt.

Dinner was scrumptious as they dined on fresh seafood. Lila turned down dessert but accepted a dance with Kenny instead. As he two stepped her around the dance floor, the Brown brothers entered the restaurant. Lila didn't see them immediately but Kenny did and hustled Lila back to the table. Kenny stared hard at Kay and nodded to the door. Kay picked up his subtle hint and invited Lila to the restaurant's patio for some fresh air. The last thing any of them needed was for Bam and Lila to implode in the restaurant.

Matt was the first to spot Kenny and headed in his direction to say hello. Bam ordered a couple of drinks for them and followed Matt to where Kenny sat.

"Good to see you both." Kenny said with a smile. "Whatcha doing in town tonight?"

"Well, I don't know about Bam but I'm looking for a woman." Matt wiggled his eyebrows up and down for emphasis. "Grumpy, here," pointing at Bam, "is just my wingman tonight."

"Where's Kay?" Matt asked surveying the room. "I need her help finding a girl."

"She's out on the porch catching some fresh air." Bam pulled up a chair next to Kenny and sat down. Matt made a beeline to the patio where he found Kay and a surprise.

"Oh my God, if it isn't my future wife, come back to marry me." Lila turned and flashed a wide smile to Matt.

"How have you been, husband?" Lila said jokingly. He embraced her tightly. Lila whispered in Matt's ear, "Is he here also?"

"Yep and mean as ever since he got back. What the heck happened between you two?" Bam hadn't shared the details of his visit to Lila's place in Juneau. All Matt and the rest of the family knew was he was miserable and in a worse mood than before he left. They surmised something was wrong but didn't know what.

"Do you want to get him for you?" Matt asked sheepishly.

Lila shook her head no. I have a better idea. "Does the band take requests?" Kay and Matt nodded affirmatively.

"Kay, I need to you to request the band to play "The Dance" by Garth Brooks and have them dedicate it to Joshua not Bam." Kay agreed.

"Matt, I need you to dance with me when the band starts playing and make sure you dance me where he can see you."

Matt and Kay reveled in their respective assignments. Kay snuck over to the band and asked the lead singer if they could do as Lila had instructed. With the promise of a round of beers, the band was in.

"You know he's going to kill me." Matt chuckled.

Lila kissed his cheek and replied, "I'll protect you."

"By the way, you fill out that dress pretty good." Matt gave her a devilish grin.

"Let's hope your brother feels the same way."

As the band took the stage again for their second set, the lead singer grabbed the mic. "We're going to do a special request tonight. We have a request for "The Dance" by Garth Brooks....and it's dedicated to Joshua Brown.

Bam and Kenny quit talking when they heard the dedication. As the music began, a few couples hit the dance floor. Bam's eyes scanned the room and he caught sight of Matt with a flash of purple. Bam assumed he'd gotten lucky as he was pulling a tall leggy brunette around the dance floor when he suddenly realized that just wasnt any tall leggy brunette. That was his tall leggy brunette in a very short purple dress.

Bam jumped to his feet as Matt pulled her in closer. "Is it working?" Matt dared not look in Bam's direction. Lila whispered in his ear. "He's spotted us."

Lila hated teasing Bam but he deserved a little punishment for the way he left her. Bam's steely eyed gaze carefully followed Matt and Lila around the dance floor. As he listened to the song, he understood exactly what she doing. He headed straight for them tapping Matt on the shoulder and telling him he was cutting in.

Lila held her breathe and Bam didn't say a word. He pulled her in as close to his body as he could with their clothes on and hummed the song in her ear. Everything he wanted to say to Lila was in the lyrics of that song. Lila exhaled and tried to speak but Bam put his fingers to her lips and they continued to slowly dance with one another until the song ended.

Bam continued to hug her tightly and walked with her out to the patio. There she stood looking breathtaking in purple and moonlight.

Lila tried to speak again but Bam stopped her with a kiss. He put his arms on her shoulders with her head on his chest and began the conversation with an apology. He was anxious. Lila could feel his heart beating rapidly as he spoke. It was clear to her that he had beat himself up more than she could have ever done. There wasn't any need to rant and rave about his hasty departure from Juneau. He knew he was wrong and begged her forgiveness. There wasn't any need to waste any more time on the past.

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