Chapter 112 The Mission

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Bam paced the deck as the time ticked away. In fifteen minutes, he would pull out of the dock with or without her. For Matt's sake and hers, he hoped she would show but his faith was beginning to fade as the last minutes ticked away. Bam ordered the brothers to pull up the anchor and untie the boat. In the distance, Bear thought he heard someone calling to them. He climbed atop the roof of the Integrity and spotted Jill running with a pack in hand. "Bam, wait for me." He pointed in her direction as Gabe jumped to the dock to help lift her on board with her pack.

"Sorry I'm late but you guys didn't give me much time to pack and get coverage for the shop." The brothers each welcomed her with hugs.

Bear pulled Bam to the side and whispered to him. "Matt is going to kick your ass when he finds out what you've done."

Bam snickered. "Not my problem. I'm blaming everything on Lila. She can take the fall for this one."

Bam and his brothers plotted with Jill to determine the best way for them to surprise him. This would be the first time they would be reunited with each other in almost eight weeks. It was decided the best thing to do was to leave her on the beach in Browntown and then tell Matt he had a package waiting for him on beach. It would require the brothers smuggle Jill in while avoiding the remainder of the family including Matt. If she were waiting there for him, alone, he would have no place to run. They would have to meet each other half way. By stepping aboard the Integrity, she had already taken the first step to repairing the damage she caused when she asked him to leave. To say she was nervous was an understatement. She paced the wheelhouse and then the deck like a cat on a hot tin roof. She fiddled constantly with the bracelet he had given her. She had not taken it off even after he left. Her mind wandered and became a little scared. What if he wasn't happy to see? What if he refused to speak with her? The "what ifs" grew louder in her mind and she was beginning to doubt her choice. Bam let Gabe take the wheel for a few minutes as he sought out Jill.

"Having second thoughts?" Bam wasn't one to mince words.

"What if his feelings have changed for me?" Jill sighed deeply trying to fight back tears.

"What if they haven't?" Bam replied back. Jill gave him a half smile.  "Knowing my brother as I do, I think regardless of what his initial reaction will be, in the end, I think he'll be satisfied with the outcome....good or bad. At least, he will have resolved whatever has been occupying his mind."

As the beach became visible, they shut the engine off and let the tide push them closer to the shore as to not attract the attention of the wolfpack. Bam signaled Gabe and Bear to get the skiff ready. After everyone, including Jill, was loaded up, they navigated as quietly as they could to shore. Bam sent Bear and Gabe to camp to let Matt know he had a package on the beach. Bam waited with Jill partly to make sure she was safe from predators and partly to make sure Matt didn't turn and leave once he saw her.

Bear and Gabe found Matt with Lila and the kids keeping her company while she waited for Bam's return. "Hey Matt, you got a package on the beach." The pair tried to keep a straight face. Lila caught the reference of "a package." Bear winked at her. She smiled back at him with a grin as large as the Cheshire cat himself.

"Well, why didn't you bring it back?" Matt shook his head at the pair. "You two are goofy, ya' know."

"It was marked fragile and we didn't want to break it." Gabe offered his feeble attempt at humor. Matt headed in the direction of the beach while Bear, Gabe and Lila gave each other a high five. Their part of mission "Reunited" was complete. Now, it was up to Matt and Jill to rectify their differences.

As Matt made his way to through the clearing beach, he could see Bam on the beach facing the water. He didn't see a package on tbe beach and called to his brother. "Where's my package?"

Bam turned taking two steps to his right and it was then that Matt could see what was waiting for him. He stopped cold in his tracks. Bam looked at Jill and wished her luck and walked in the direction of where Matt stood. When he reached the place where Matt was he stopped and offered him some brotherly advice. " We did it for your own good. Don't be an idiot, man. At least meet her halfway."

Bam turned one last time and waved goodbye to Jill. He left Matt and Jill standing awkwardly on the beach just staring at one another for what seemed like an eternity. She watched as Matt removed his hat and ran his hands through his hair. He watched her shift her weight from her left leg to her right leg. He removed his coat and laid it on the ground. It suddenly had become hot to him. She toed the ground with her boot. He took a few steps in her direction and she finally exhaled. He stopped, put his hands on his hips, and turned around to look at the mountain behind him. She took a few steps in his direction until he turned to look at her again. She stopped and waited. It was like a game of cat and mouse as each one was still to stubborn or prideful or hurt to bridge the full distance.

Bam caught up with Lila just beyond the treeline. From their vantage, they watched the awkward dance of the two broken souls on the beach. "Do you think we did the right thing?" Lila held Bam's hand squeezing it tightly.

"I think so but it's up to them now. Come on, woman, I want to see my babies." The two skirted back into Browntown leaving Matt and Jill to the solace of the beach.

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