Chapter 88 Wolfpack

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The Brown family finally made it to the hospital and found Matt waiting in the lobby. They clamored for news of Lila and the babies. Matt filled them in on the details. Ami and Billy were anxious to meet the newest Brownies, Lily and Jace and visit with their parents. Matt went to get Bam as Lila was still restricted on the number of visitors she could have at one time.

The wolfpack practically knocked Bam down with their group hug. He was equally pleased to see them. He was even happier to take them to the nursery to introduce them to his son and daughter. He begged their indulgence to keep their enthusiasm in check as they were obviously one of the larger families visiting the nursery. The family stood anxiously behind the glass as Bam introduced Lily Rose Brown and Jace Matthew Brown to them. Matt did a double take at Bam. "You gave him my name?"

"It was Lila's suggestion and I wholeheartedly supported it." Bam grabbed Matt by the neck and gave him a rare hug.

Ami couldn't take her eyes off her grandbabies. They were welcome additions and her joy was evident at the tears that streamed down her face. Bird and Rain loved the idea of being aunts and couldn't wait to hold them.

"Lila is restricted to one visitor at a time. Who wants to go first?" Bam selected Noah as he was the more reserved of the pack and it was a good way to gauge if Lila was up to the company of family. Noah popped his head in the door and said hello. It cheered Lila up to see another familiar face.

"I met my nephew and niece and I just want to tell you that they are magnificient." Noah kissed Lila on the forehead.

"Are they really all that Noah?" Lila hadn't been allowed to see them or  nurse them due to her condition.

"Yes, Lila, they are all that and more."

Rain exchanged places with Noah. She was thrilled to see her sister-in-law. Lila wasn't quite her usual pulled together self. Rain offered to brush out her hair and added a little color to her cheeks from her bag of bush tricks before any additional family came in.

Gabe followed Rain and in his usual shy manner, he offered his hand. "Really Gabe...just a handshake." Lila pulled him closer and kissed his cheek.

"Congratulations Lila. I'm so proud of you."

The remainder of the pack came in one by one until Lila tired and fell asleep. Bam stayed in her room until the doctor came by for rounds.

When the doctor arrived, he checked Lila's vitals and saw improvement. Bam asked when she could be released and he recommended another day in the hospital. Bam agreed although Lila just wanted to return home. To cheer her up, he suggested bringing the babies down from the nursery to visit with her. She was overjoyed at the thought of holding Jace and Lily again.

Bam called up to the nursery and requested his children be brought down. When the door opened, the nurse delivered two tightly wrapped bundles dressed in pink and blue. Bam carefully placed Jace in her arms as he took Lily in his. It was the first time the two were now four and the four were altogether as one family unit. Lila examined Jace's little face and hands and she did the same with Lily. "They're so perfect and tiny. It's hard to believe we made these babies."

"We had fun though." Bam winked at his wife.

"Mr. Brown, you're incorrigible."

"Yep. That's me. Mr. Incorrigible." Bam chuckled.

"Are you scared?" Lila asked nervously.

"More than you know." He replied.

"Do you think we'll be good parents?"
The thought of diapers, midnight feedings and the terrible twos were a bit overwhelming to her, not to the mention the added elements of bears, wolves and water.

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