Chapter 4 Hoonah

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Lila awoke the next day and for the first time in her life, she did not know what to do. She struggled to get out of bed and into a hot shower. Maybe breakfast and a stroll around town would do her some good.

She grabbed her suitcase and found something to wear. She suddenly realized her clothing wasn't exactly Alaska friendly. Her wardrobe was more New York chic and less bush babe. Hmmmm, things to do today. Number one priority, buy clothes suitable for Alaska. She grabbed a pair of black leggings and a flouncy white shirt and paired it with a short red leather jacket and headed out the door.

She made her way to a small but busy diner teeming with locals. As she perused the menu, there would be no NY bagels or Greek yogurt, instead the all to familiar scent of bacon and eggs wafted past her.

"What's it going to be missy?"

"I'll have the special with a Coke."


The waitress scurried from table to table. Lila patiently waited for her order. She noticed a couple staring at her with some degree of familiarity. They whispered and nodded and stared at her again. The man and woman moved towards her and spoke. "Sorry Miss for staring, but aren't you Mike Jenkins daughter?"

Lila smiled and extended her hand to the man and his wife. "I'm Kenny. I run the dump."

As soon as she heard the word dump, she jumped up and hugged the man. "Kenny, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. It's been a long time."

Lila and Nato used to go exploring in the dump on her dad's fishing trips to Hoonah. Kenny would oblige their visits and get a little free labor out of them after they had found whatever treasures they were hunting.

"Lila, this is my wife." Kenny hadn't done so bad for himself. His wife was tall and slender and she wore her hair pulled back on a long braid.

"I'm Kay. It's nice to meet you."

Lila shook her hand. Kenny spoke again and offered his condolences on the passing of her father. "So are you in town for long?" He asked.

"For the next couple of weeks. I'm here with Jack and Becky Whiteowl. They're visiting family and I'm staying at the lodge."

"Lila, we don't get much city company up here. You know, we have a dance coming up tomorrow night at the local community center. You should come with us. It'll give you something to do while you're here. Kay and I can introduce you to some of your dad's friends."

Lila hesitated but Kay pleaded with her to come. "This way I won't have to listen to everyone talk about bears and deer and fishing."

"We will pick you up at 7pm at the lodge." Kay said with all the excitement of meeting someone new.

"I look forward to it." Lila smiled. It was nice to see a familiar face again.

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