Chapter 156 Your Everything

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Bear started a large bonfire near the main cabin as he gave instructions to Lucas on the best way to make an awesome fire. Lucas was excited to share with Jill everything he saw in Browntown. "Did you know that dad built a house out of tires?"  He threw his hands in the air as he attempted to describe how tall it was. He was thoroughly impressed by his new family and their home...what boy wouldn't be.

Billy pulled the venison off the grill as everyone grabbed a full plate of food and a spot on the outdoor benches. Lucas made himself comfortable with his uncles. They entertained him with stories about his dad including the time he made a house out of plastic wrap.

Jill and Lila tended to Jace and Lily as they exchanged whispers back and forth. "How about if Bam and I take Lucas tonight so you can share your secret with your husband?"

"Does Bam know?" Jill had hoped that no one else knew at this point. She so wanted to tell Matt first before anyone else suspected anything.

"I didn't tell Bam. I can't wait to hear what Matt's reaction will be after you tell him. A father twice in one year."

Jill kept her little secret all through dinner. Lila, in her usual manner of facilitating things, suggested Matt take his wife for a walk on the beach and she and Bam would take Lucas and the Brownies back to the cabin. Lucas protested at first not wanting to separate himself from his parents but when Noah offered to tell him a story about knights and dragons before bedtime, his protests vanished just as quickly as they had arisen.

The moon was a hunter's moon and the beach was perfectly lit up. The moonbeams reflected off the still water as Matt held Jill's hand and they walked along the edge of the water. "Brings back memories, doesn't it?" Matt draped his arm around her shoulder and nuzzled her neck sending a shiver down her spine.

"Good memories only." Jill whispered in his ear.

"How about a dance on the beach Mrs. Brown?" Matt dropped his hand to her waist pulling her closer to his body.

"Have I told you how lovely you look in the moonlight?" Matt loved the way she felt in his arms. She was home to him, always.

"Matt, are you happy with our family?" Matt made an inaudible moan as he was concentrating on his kisses trailing from her neck down to the inside of her shirt.

"I'd be happier if we could find that damn canoe again and head out to the Integrity." Jill giggled as their conjugal activities had been severely limited since Lucas' arrival. With only one bedroom, privacy was at a premium. The only room in their apartment with a lock was their bathroom but the mood was quickly killed by a knock on the door from Lucas wanting to know what they were doing. Matt and Jill made a feeble excuse that they were cleaning the bathroom. Lucas, in later years, would tease his parents about having the cleanest bathroom in Hoonah.

Matt slowly undid the buttons on Jill's shirt, anxiously looking for an opportunity to make love to his wife.
Jill welcomed his advances but still wanted to share her secret about their pending addition.

"Matt." He kneaded her breast. Jill tried to remain focused on what she wanted to tell him. "Remember when I said we needed a bigger house."

"Uh huh." Matt could feel her responding to his touch. "We're going to need one in about seven months."

"There's no rush, babe. We have plenty of time." Matt started to unbutton her jeans and stopped midway. He pulled Jill away from him so he could now see her face. "What did you just say about seven months?"

Jill stood there sikently waiting for the information to click in Matt's brain.

"Jillian, are you...are I going to be a dad again?" Jill shook her head up and down. Matt picked her up and swung her around in a circle hugging her. Between her tears of joy and laughter, she managed to answer his question with a yes.

He placed her gently on the beach placing his hands on her stomach, his smile lighting up his face. He could not possibly love her more than knowing that she was carrying his child. She had already shown him, especially with the arrival of Lucas, what an amazing woman she was. Now, she did it again, surprising him with a gift of their own love.

Matt wanted to make love to her earlier but now his desire for her  had multiplied a thousand times over. "Help me find that dang canoe."

Jill tapped him on the shoulder as he searched the beach for the canoe. She dangled a set of keys in front him. "Damn, I forgot we had Kenny's skiff."
Matt wasted no time in shuttling his wife out to the privacy of the Integrity and showing her repeatedly just how much he loved her.

Keith Urban- Your everything.

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