Chapter 188 Melee

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It was a quick walk to a nearby bar that featured live music and a dance floor. The girls were giddy with excitement as they didn't have much time between children, work and their household duties to relax and just let their hair down. This was a treat for the brothers as well. They enjoyed nothing more than spending time with their beautiful wives. Everyone had been so focused on completing the new family compound that some times romance took a back seat to the other priorities.

Lila wasted no time in dragging a reluctant Bam to the dance floor. He argued most of the way but once on the floor, he settled himself into the curve of her body and just went with it. Matt and Jill were eager to trip the light fantastic and left the others at the table. Red had slipped out of her heels as Bear rubbed her feet. Her pregnancy was catching up with her and she could no longer rock stilettos for more than a hour or two.

Lucy watched as the elder couples whirled by their table. Red nudged Gabe and nodded at the dance floor. He took her cue and asked Lucy to dance. "I'm not the best dancer." He extended his hand to escort her to the dance floor. "Maybe you can help me improve my moves." Gabe was almost relieved to hear the music change from a fast song to something more his speed. He slipped his arm around her waist and held her at the small of her back and took her other hand and pulled it to his chest. When he drew her in closer, he inhaled her scented skin. She smelled like the fragrance of a thousand flowers. It was romantic, soft and memorable.

"You smell beautiful." He whispered in her ear.

"It's Beautiful." She replied back.

He whispered back, "That's what I said."

She giggled and pulled back from him to see his face. "No silly, it's Beautiful by Estee Lauder."

"Oh, I get it now." He laughed and pulled her back in and moved her slowly around the dance floor. He could easily see how his brothers had fallen in love with their wives at a dance. He thought there was no better way to get close to a girl than a slow dance.

Lucy liked the way Gabe held her close. She could tell he was trying to hold her like a China doll. His hand was large and calloused from his work at the family construction site. His hand enveloped hers fully. She seemed so pixie-like compared to the expanse of his chest. She fell into a comfortable rythym with him until the music changed to something faster.

Gabe stopped and tried to walk back to the table with her but she pulled him back towards her. "Oh no, Mister. You brought me to dance. We're going to dance."

Gabe stuttered his reluctance but finally gave into her coaxing. The crowd got larger on the dance floor as people lined up in rows to do a line dance. "Just follow my lead. It's really easy and fun." Lucy held his hand as they moved to the left and to the right. Gabe did his best to follow suit and soon realized it was just repetitive steps. Slowly, his moves fell into step with hers and he had somewhat mastered the dance before the song ended.

"Gabe, that's great. You almost had that dance nailed." Gabe smiled broadly. He may not gave been the most coordinated on the dance floor but at least he had tried. Lucy appreciated his attempt at learning something new.

The couples reunited at their table and harassed Gabe over his lack of  ability. He blushed at their cajoling. Lila suggested they get fresh drinks for everyone. The brothers headed in the direction of the bar while Lucy and Red stepped on the deck to get a bit of fresh air and that's when trouble hit them head on. An intoxicated Fin and his party were on the deck throwing back shots when Red spotted them. She tried to pull Lucy back inside but not before Fin had spotted her.

Fin managed to push past his friends and over to where Red and Lucy were standing. Red could smell the alcohol on him before he even opened his mouth to speak.

"Lucy! Muffin! Did you come to dance with old Fin?"  His speech was slurred and Lucy could immediately tell he had too much booze. He reached for her arm to take her to dance but she stepped backwards from his grasp.

She politely declined his offer to dance but he wasn't having that. She looked especially good to him. He thought to himself how tight her dress hugged her hips and it only made him more grabby. Lucy fought off his attempts to touch her as Red tried to put herself between Fin and Lucy. Fin pushed Red backwards causing her to stumble and knock over glasses on a nearby table.

Red called for Bear as loud as she could. Fin now had a hold of Lucy's arm and was pulling her closer to him and back inside towards the dance floor. In a matter of seconds, all four Brown brothers were on the deck.

"I don't think the lady wants to dance with you." Matt took the lead in speaking to Fin.

"Well, look who we have here. If it ain't the Brown clowns."

"We don't want any trouble tonight." Gabe tried to appeal to Fin's sensibility.

Fin laughed and turned to speak to Matt but instead sucker punched Gabe. In that instance, protective of their brother and Lucy, all hell broke loose. It was nothing but an avalanche of fists and bodies as Fin's friends jumped into the melee. Jill had quickly grabbed Red and Lucy and moved them out of the way of the chaos of the deck area. The brothers had great patience with the locals with the exception of two things, their women and themselves. It was their rule never to throw the first punch.

The bar bouncers tried in vain to separate the brawl but to no avail. Before anyone knew it, blue lights were headed in the direction of the deck as a bevy of Hoonah's finest separated the sparring parties. Since the officer in charge could not discern who started the fight, he immediately arrested all the participants with the exception of the Brown wives and Lucy.

It was not the brothers finest hour as one by one they were cuffed and thrown into the back of a squad car followed by Fin and his companions.
Lila called after Bam. "I'm right behind you babe. I'll make bail for you."

In all their time together, the wives had never experienced the arrest of their husbands. Lucy was tearful at the thought that she had caused all of the drama but the three wives laughed and told her this was just a part of being Brown. "It's like being a musketeer, all for one, one for all."
Lila looked at the girls and said, "Ladies, let's go bail out our men."

Fifth Harmony-That's My Girl

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