Chapter 99 The Past

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Matt held the door open as Jill, Lila and Bam made their way into the diner. The place was packed with locals as the annual dance always brought out a lot of townies. The group found a table in a quiet corner and perused the menu making small chit chat while they waited for a server to take their orders. Matt decided on the all you can eat chocolate chip pancakes to which Jill pointed out that selection would keep him up all night from the sugar high. Bam and Lila laughed as Jill didn't know that Matt's one distinguishing characteristic was his ability to sleep anywhere at just about anytime. Bam recounted Matt's time in a hotel room bathtub where his brother Bear proceeded to run the water with Matt still sleeping in it. "It was half full before Matt woke up." Bam shook his head. "The guy can sleep anywhere."

"Wow! I have a lot to learn about you." Jill smiled at Matt touching him ever so lightly on his cheek. Matt felt a slight blush run up his face. It was an unfamiliar response for him as he was usually so casual with women. He was more comfortable chasing and conquering women than he was getting to know them and building a quality relationship with anyone in particular. But that changed for him as he saw his brother grow and change for the better when Lila entered his world. Matt longed secretly for the stability of someone who he could share his future with. His boyish charms would only last so long. The time had come for him to step up and assume his proper title as the eldest Brown brother. He had wasted too much time on frivolous pursuits like drinking and easy women. Lila took notice of his reaction to Jill's touch and hoped he wouldn't fall into his old habit of one night stands. Jill didn't come off as the type of woman who was into casual encounters. Maybe, just maybe, this match would work. Lila was tickled at the thought of this pixie enchanting the free spirit of Matthew Brown.

A waitress finally appeared to take the couples' orders. Matt stuck with his original selection of pancakes and milk while Jill opted for a BLT sandwich. Bam took advantage of a rare opportunity to grab a real steak and fries and Lila settled on a helping of bacon, eggs and breakfast potatoes.

"So Bam, what other secrets does Matt harbor that I need to know?" Jill teased playfully with Matt.

"Let's see." Bam rubbed his chin and cracked a smile. "Matt has an affinity for plastic wrap."

"Ooohhhh, plastic wrap? Why Matthew Brown, who would have guessed." Jill now knew she was pushing his buttons as Matt's beard couldn't hide the red on his face.

"I made a house out of plastic wrap. It was strictly innocent." Matt defended himself against the sexual innuendo.

The group couldn't help but draw attention to their table. They were having a ball playing with Matt and it was a welcome respite for him. It had been a long time since Matt felt so relaxed with a woman. There were no performance expectations and he didn't have to rely on a bottle to give him the feeling of confidence he felt now. Having Lila and Bam present made him want something more than his usual expectation.

Jill excused herself to the ladies room.   A woman slipped in behind her. As Jill washed her hands she heard a voice behind her. "I see you're with Matt Brown." Jill looked in the mirror to see a blonde woman standing behind her dragging on a cigarette.

"And it's your business, why?" Jill asked not turning around.

"You don't look like his type." The blonde blew a trail of smoke from her nose.

Jill was getting slightly agitated at the stranger. "And what type is that?"

"The fun kind." The blonde smiled liked she knew something intimate about him.

Jill turned to the face the woman. "Well, maybe his taste has improved." Jill may have been small but she had attitude when she needed to use it.

The blonde smirked."I wouldn't count on it." She turned and walked out leaving Jill angry. She grabbed the sink with both hands steadying herself and exhaling deeply. She wasn't about to let some cheap bimbo ruin her night. She had already taken a liking to Lila and Bam and Matt had sparked her interest. She only hoped he wouldn't disappoint her. He had been honest upfront about his problems and his colorful past. It was just that Jill didn't expect to be slapped in the face with it her first night out with him. She knew the past couldn't be changed, edited or erased. She would have to accept he had one.

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