Chapter 129 My Ocean

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Jill killed as much time as she could in order that Matt would be the only one at the shop to receive the call from Mr. Jamison. She hoped that she had made the right decision and if Matt did find out that he wouldn't take it any other way than what it was intended to be...a gift for their future. Love doesn't usually find you twice in a lifetime, especially the kind she had for him.  She felt herself lucky to be in a position to help. All along this journey without Jake, she kept feeling his presence constantly pushing her forward. Maybe that was why God had put Jake in her life. Maybe God did that so she could find her way to Matt. The trial by fire had made her a stronger woman, more sure of herself now then ever before, more sure that her future was with Matthew Brown.

When Jill had let sufficient time pass, she came back to the shop to find Matt in a maniacal but happy state. "You're never going to believe who just called?" His smile could hardly contain his excitement.

"Your family." Jill pretended to be unaware of what was happening.

"That guy called about the land. He had a change of heart. Something about a beautiful woman had made him see the light." Jill tried not to have a reaction over that comment.

"Oh Mattie! I'm so happy for you!" She feigned complete ignorance of the deal as he reveled in the moment.

"I have so many plans. We need to tell my family. Can you let the girls run the shop so we can go home and share the news?" Matt's mind was running at a high rate of speed. Jill reached over and grabbed him. She swallowed his excited words with her lips. He finally shut up long enough for her to show him how proud she was of him. He wasted no time in throwing her over his shoulder and taking her up the flight of stairs to make love to her.

She laid in the crook of his arm and ran her fingers lightly across his chest. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked him sweetly.

"I have so many things running through my mind right now." Matt sighed.

"Happy things I hope."

"Everything is starting to come together now. Everything I ever imagined is within my grasp."

"It's not within your grasp, Mattie, you're holding it in your hands right now."

He rolled over to look her in the eyes brushing her hair from her face. "I don't have much to offer you now." She tried to speak but he placed his fingers over her lips. "Let me finish."

She kissed his hand softly. "I want to start a life with you." His voice cracked ever so slightly. "I'm going to marry you. You don't get a choice in that." Jill was lost in the ocean of his blue eyes.

His voice grew more serious and she knew whatever came out of his mouth next he meant. "Jillian, I want you to spend the rest of your life with me. I want a family with you. I want to wake up every day knowing that you're by my side. I want it all. I want my happy ending."

Jill eyes became glassy as she fought back the tears with her lashes. "Just say yes." He paused holding his breath waiting for her to answer.

"Yes, a thousand times yes." Her heart soared. Matt realized he didnt have a ring.

"A jewelry artist with no ring?" Jill giggled as he raced to his box of flatware in the kitchen and pulled out a spoon with a shell design on it. He grabbed his tools and flew back to the bed. "It's not a diamond."

"I don't need diamonds."

She watched as he transformed the piece of silver into an engagement ring and slid it on her finger as she admired it. "You are my beach and I am your ocean. I will always return to you every night."

"Mattie, I didn't think I could love you any more then I do right now." Jill crawled into his lap wrapping her legs around him. "But I do." He kissed her neck and shoulders and became lost in her again. They spent the remainder of the night planning a future together.

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