Chapter 127 Focus

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Matt worked feverishly on his jewelry designs all week long turning sterling flatware into rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants and miniature bird sculptures. Jill served as his assistant polishing each piece to its best potential. She especially liked the spoons engraved with sea shells that were turned into a matching set of earrings and a ring. Those would definitely be a good seller. Actually, all his pieces would sell well as they were reasonably priced and having the artist working in the store when the cruise ship passengers docked in Hoonah would even attract more customers. They had prepped the shop the night before using black velvet lined trays to show off the jewelry. Jill arranged a work space near the window so customers could interact with Matt as he worked. He was naturally gregarious and she knew he would sell more jewelry as he was a natural salesman. It didn't hurt that he had that rugged Alaskan look and deep blue eyes that you could lose yourself in forever. He, alone, would attract a lot of female customers.

Jill carefully finished off her chalkboard easel announcing Matt Brown as the featured artist and arranged it on the front porch of the shop. Music streamed throughout the store and to insure they made the best outcome on the tourist trade, Jill also featured freshly baked bear claws and hot coffee.

"Kiss me for luck." Matt slipped his arms around Jill's waist and stole a kiss.

"You don't need luck. You've got talent and charm and me." Jill kissed him back. She smacked him on the rear as he took his spot near the window. He could hear the voices of their first customers of the day.

A lively group of older women entered the shop. You could tell they were from the ship because their boots weren't the practical kind most Alaskan women wore. Jill cheerfully welcomed them to the Art Gypsy and quickly introduced Matt as the featured artist specializing in sterling silver jewelry. The ladies huddled around his workstation watching him turn a fork into a miniature bird sculpture. They were tickled by his conversation and questions and before he knew it, he had sold several pieces. As Jill wrapped the ladies' purchases, Matt gave her a quick wink. They made a great team and they both knew it.

The day was an endless flow of tourists flush with cash and the want for some small souvenir from their cruise to Alaska. Matt's jewelry fit the bill and before the day was out, he had sold almost every piece he had made earlier in the week.

Jill had a profitable day in addition to Matt's sales. She had sold several pairs of beaver lined glows, hand forged knifes and several pieces of photography. It was a good day all around for them, their consigned artists and the customers who bought their goods.

As business slowed later in the day, Matt and Jill closed up shop and headed back to their apartment. Business had been good and Matt's confidence in his skills as an artist seemed to grow.

"Hungry?" Jill asked digging through the fridge looking for something to make for dinner.

"I think that's a loaded question babe." Matt eyed her from behind taking in the curve of her rear. She could wear a dish rag and he would still think that she was the sexiest creature on earth.

Jill turned to catch Matt looking at her from behind. He had that "I'm going to hell" look on his face.

"Matthew Brown, I'm beginning to think you have a one track mind."

Matt couldn't help but wiggle his eyebrows. "I'm just appreciating the view."

"Really, because I could have sworn I heard you silently propositioning me."

Matt started to unbutton his shirt as he headed to the bedroom. "In that case, I'll meet you in the shower in two minutes."

Jill watched him disappear into the bedroom and the sound of the shower running. She debated between starting dinner or hitting the shower with Matt. The debate with herself lasted all of a second as she headed for the shower leaving a trail of clothes from the kitchen to the bath.

Jill slipped into the shower with Matt wrapping her arms under his his from behind. If he was beautiful with clothes on, he was even more so soaking wet and soaped up.

"I absolutely love indoor plumbing." Matt turned Jill around and moved her under the shower head letting the hot water run down her face and body. When he looked at her, she felt he could see her soul stripped bare of all things wordly. When she tried to look away, he carefully placed his hand on her chin and lifted up her face to engage his eyes again. "If I didn't tell you already, you're the best thing that ever happened to me." Jill didn't know if it was the sincerity in his voice or his eyes that made her weak in the knees. He moved closer to her as she backed into the cold tile wall. He could be so focused and intense at times. His love felt different than what she had experienced with Jake. Matt loved fiercely whether he recognized that about himself or not and Jill couldn't stop herself from loving him back.

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