Chapter 19 Unfinished Business

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Lila put the last of her belongings in her bag and dreaded the long walk to the beach with Matt. She knew Joshua was waiting there to take her back to Hoonah in the skiff. It would be the longest and most difficult journey of her life.

"I'm not leaving him, Matt. This was just a spur of the moment trip. I have to go back to take care of my father's estate. Jack and Becky will be expecting me at the lodge."

Lila sighed with such heartbreak that it hurt Matt to look at her. Her voice cracked as she fought back the tears. "I'm coming back. Why doesn't he understand that?"

Matt looped his arm through Lila's arm and grabbed her bag with his free hand. He tried to keep the conversation light because she looked like a damn of tears on the edge of collapse. "He gets it. He's just frustrated that he can't go with you. We have shipping commitments and we can't do the jobs without him. He's our chief navigator. Da's health has been kind of fragile so he relies on Bam to pick up the slack."

As Lila and Matt exited the woods, she saw Joshua standing near the edge of the water skipping rocks. She thought to herself how solitary he looked and her sadness grew deeper inside. She turned to Matt and asked him to wait as she wanted to speak to Joshua privately. She walked to where he stood and just like on their first date she slipped her hand in his hand. He slowly brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. Lila felt a wave of relief roll over her. In not so many words, he had accepted the fact that unfinished business needed her attention but she also had unfinished business here with him.

"It's two weeks, Bam. I promise I'll come back as soon as I can." For the first time since she met him, she had called him by his middle name.

Lila turned to face Bam's steely blue eyes. Holding his face between her hands, she reminded him of his words. "Remember what you said to me....all good things grow with time. I want to grow with you. I will be back."

Lila pulled his face close to hers and brushed his lips with a kiss. It wasn't their final goodbye. That goodbye would come later at the dock in Hoonah. Lila signaled Matt that they were ready to go. She had asked Matt to come with them more for moral support for Bam. She didn't want him navigating the skiff alone back to Browntown after he dropped her off in Hoonah.

The trek to Hoonah seemed longer than usual. Matt volunteered to drive the skiff giving Bam and Lila precious time together. For the first time in a very long time, Bam let Matt be his older brother without any fuss.

Lila and Bam whispered back and forth on the ride to Hoonah. Matt surmised they were exchanging affections. He found satisfaction in knowing his brother had found a good woman, at least one that could handle the challenge that he was. He was so gentle with Lila unlike the Bam that barked orders to everyone and was famously known for his "respect the danger" motto.

Hoonah was in sight and Bam tightened his grip on Lila. Matt navigated the skiff into the dock and unloaded Bam and Lila. Lila blew air kisses to Matt who caught them and placed them over his heart. Bam frowned on cue and Lila gave Matt a wink.

The two of them walked silently to the lodge. They had shared most of what they needed to say on the ride to Hoonah and that would remain private between them. Lila stopped and pulled her camera from her bag. She convinced Bam to let her take a few photos of him so she wouldn't forget how devastatingly handsome he was.

When she finished, Bam pulled her in so tight to his chest that she felt that they were one. He wasted no time in kissing her one last time. As usual, he left her breathless and restless and wanting more which was  exactly his intention.

Lila watched him walk away until she could no longer see him and felt a profound sense of belonging to both him and Alaska.

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