Chapter 14 Majestic

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To Jude....because the journey is just as important as the destination.

After walking nearly an hour, Joshua stopped near the edge of a cliff and announced, "We're here."

Lila looked around and saw beauty like she had never known before. She had so often taken Alaska for granted but today she had soaked it all in on the hike with Joshua. Maybe it was the stillness of the woods or the fact that they didn't speak while they walked giving her a chance to concentrate on her surroundings that made the difference. Everything she saw looked more lucious, more green, more blue, then she ever remembered.

"It's majestic, Joshua." Lila used to think New York city was beautiful at night with its brightly lit buildings but here in Alaska, her beauty was a quiet all encompassing experience. It was beautiful in every direction. She had forgotten that her home state was so lovely or maybe it was because she was seeing it through Joshua's eyes for the first time.

"Yes, she is magnificent." Joshua stood there silently surveying their surroundings from the mountains in the distance to the valley where the waters touched the shore. Lila thought he looked absolutely breathtaking himself with his hat pulled down close to his face and his long black duster coat framing his silhouette.

Bam broke the silence with a comment Lila hadn't expected. "My brother seems to have taken a liking to you." Bam never turned around when he made that statement. Matt had been casually flirting with Lila since he met her, more so now that she was in Browntown. Bam hadn't revealed to Matt that he had serious intentions towards Lila. He didn't want to rush anything. He believed that all good things grew with time and care unlike Matt who was more impetuous.

Lila chose her next words carefully. "I like Matt. He's great and fun to be around." Lila thought she saw a change in Joshua's stance, a slight dropping of his shoulders. Lila paused for emphasis before she spoke again. "But I like his brother even more."

Bam removed his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. He secretly felt a sense of relief wash over him, never wanting to cause issues, he sometimes would put the interests of his family, of his brothers, before his wants and needs. Today, the sense of relief was welcome by Lila's remark.

Lila walked toward where Joshua stood and slipped her hand into his. No words were exchanged. They just stood there drinking in the day and the acknowledgement that something existed between them and that was enough for both of them at that very moment.

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