Contest to Name Bear & Rose's Baby

194 13 28

Dear Readers:

As you know my character Rose "Red" Brown is expecting a baby later in this story. I haven't yet disclosed the sex of the baby or the name. I like to engage my readers so let's play a little name game. Send me your name suggestions for either a boy or a girl and in exchange for that I will reward 10 readers with a surprise in the mail. I'll pick my ten favorite names and announce my top ten in an upcoming chapter. You need to give me a first and middle name. It can be traditional, quirky, religious, etc. You will need to share your mailing address with me if your baby name is selected as one of the top ten so I can send you a surprise in the mail.

Name the Brown baby boy or girl. One name per reader please.
Please post your suggested baby name on this post.

Thanks! Polaris1401

I'll take name suggestions through 5pm EST 5.31.2017 .

The DanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon