Chapter 61 Evening

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The eve of the wedding had arrived and the excitement was building as the family pitched in to put the finishing touches on the wedding day plans.

After a hearty dinner, many hands made fast work of the cleanup. Everyone retired early giving Bam and Lila some private time in their last hours as single people. Their futures would be inextricably woven together from tomorrow forward.

"You know you still have time to change your mind if you're scared or nervous." Bam peered into Lila's eyes searching for something she was unable to give him.

"Joshua, the only place I will ever run to is your arms. I'm more sure of this decision than any decision I have ever made."

Lila placed her hands on the sides of his face. "I can't give you our past memories...but I will give you a lifetime of new ones."

"I know...I'm sorry...I just wanted to make sure you weren't having any second thoughts."

"Me, second thoughts? Damn Bam, what else do I need to do to prove I love you?"

Bam laughed. "Just be on time."

"I'm going to knock your socks off, baby."

"I'm counting on it, princess."

Bam and Lila made their way up the stairs to call it a night. As Bam started to undress, Lila shook her head. "Sorry darling, you're bunking with Matt tonight."

"Huh?" Bam looked confused as Lila handed him a pillow and blanket. "Seriously?"

Lila replied, "Seriously. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding and you know your family and their Brown luck."

Bam begrudgingly accommodated her request. "Well, do I at least get a good night kiss?"

In his usual fashion and mainly to leave her wanting more, he kissed her deep and long one last time as Miss Lila Jenkins, leaving her breathless and purposefully restless for the remainder of the night.

"Bam Brown, you did that on that purpose." Lila wailed at him as he sauntered down the hall to Matt's room.

"Turn about is fair play, Miss Jenkins. I'll be expecting you later." He laughed as he shut the door behind him.

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