Chapter 55 Questions & Answers

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Lila: We can't go on like this.

Bam: Like what?

Lila: Like this. (Waving her hand back and forth between them as they laid in the bed)

Bam: Why not?

Lila: It's not fair to you.

Bam: I'll be the judge of what's fair.

Lila: Bam?

Bam: Yes.

Lila: Do you love me?

Bam: Didn't I make that clear enough to you last night? Do I need to show you again?

Lila: I'm serious.

Bam: I'll love you forever.

Lila: And you're sure of that?

Bam: As sure as the sun rises.

Lila: What if the sun doesn't rise?

Bam: You're just as lovely in the moonlight.

Lila: Will you still love me when we're old and gray?

Bam: No one will want us when we're old and gray so I guess you'll be stuck with me.

Lila: Can you see us together that long?

Bam: It's what I hope for.

Lila: What do you love about me?

Bam: I love your ass...

Lila: You love my ass? (Perplexed look.)

Bam: No honey, I love your assets...all of them.

Bam: I love the way you pout when you don't get your way.

Bam: I love the way you continue to surprise me with all your hidden talents.

Bam: I love the way you wear moonlight like lingerie when we're all alone.

Bam: I love the way you slip your hand in mine when you're scared, or nervous or just when we're quiet.

Bam: But most of all, I love that you're mine.

Lila: Wow. That's a lot of love.

Bam: You're a lot of woman.

Bam: What do you love about me?

Lila: Besides this (touches his chest), I love it when you get lost in my eyes like you've just seen me for the first time.

Lila: I love how safe I feel with you like you would die a thousand deaths in order that I live.

Lila: I love the way your hand holds the curve of my back when you're near me.

Lila: I love knowing all your secret insecurities.

Lila: I love your confidence in us.

Lila: I love being in love with you.

Bam: Wait a minute. Did you just say you loved me?

Lila: Uh yeah...

Bam: So I've finally won you over?

Lila: Bam?

Bam: Yes, my lovely.

Lila: Will you spend the rest of your life with me?

Bam: Are you proposing to me? (Props himself up on one arm.)

Lila: Marry me, Bam? (Props herself up on arm facing him.)

Bam: (Jumps from the bed and rummages through a box near the bed.)

Lila: What are you doing?

Bam: Woman, I wasn't expecting you to ask that question.

Lila: You haven't answered my question.

Bam: Lila J, (grabs her hand and slips a ring on it), it would be my absolute honor to be your husband.

Lila: (Admiring the ring) When? How?

Bam: I'm just full of surprises.

Lila: A lifetime of them I hope.

Bam: A lifetime of them you will have.

Lila: So it's a deal?

Bam: Sealed with a kiss. (Pulls her face to his and kisses her softly.)

Lila: I love you Joshua Bam Brown.

Bam: I love you Lila Isabella Jenkins.

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