Chapter 140 Change of Heart

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Jill: (laying on his chest) I've changed my mind.

Matt: About marrying me?

Jill: No, about where to get married.

Matt: Not the beach at Browntown?

Jill: Nope.

Matt: Where?

Jill: Here!

Matt: Here? (Looking around)

Jill: It's perfect. Can't you just see it now?  (Jill painted a picture with her words.) A little you, a little me.

Matt: Rustic meets shabby chic?

Jill: It'll be beautiful.

Matt: You're the artist.

Jill: And you can be my muse.

Jill: Do you think your family will mind?

Matt: It's our wedding right?

Jill: Right.

Matt: Then they won't mind.

Jill: Matt.

Matt: Yes, baby.

Jill: Will you promise to love me forever?

Matt: As long as there is breath in my body.

Jill: Speaking of your body...I like the weight of it on top of me.

Matt: Hmmm...let me see what I can do about that.

Jill: (giggles)

Matt: Girl, if you keep this up, I'll have to come up with something new for our honeymoon.

Jill: I'm holding you to that Mr. Brown.

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