Chapter 125 Pizza Love

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Jill was already prepping dinner when Matt returned with his box of mismatched sterling flatware from Juneau. "Mmmm....Something smells good." Matt dropped his box on the side table and slid over to where Jill stood. He grabbed her from behind wrapping his arms around her waist and playfully kissing her neck.

"If you start now, I'm going to end up burning the pizza." Jill giggled turning in his arms to welcome him home. "I trust your trip was good." Jill eyed the box on the table.

Matt continued to place kisses on her ear trailing to her shoulder. "I found everything I needed today except one thing...." Matt picked up Jill and sat her on the kitchen counter.

"A gorgeous woman....well, one did try to pick me up today in the store." Matt sighed as if disappointed. Jill's brow furled. "She was gorgeous also..." He paused for effect. "If you're into eighty year old women."

Matt fumbled with Jill's shirt finally getting it over her head. As his head buried into her chest, she reminded him that she had to keep an eye on the pizza or else it would burn. He growled, "Pizza or sex, sex or pizza. I thinks it's a draw." He pushed away from her and sauntered to the shower.

"I'll make it up to you later, babe!"

Matt turned and pointed at her. "I'm holding you to that promise."

Matt returned freshly washed his wet hair hanging over his brow as Jill pulled a piping hot pizza from the oven. He liked having dinner with just her. It gave them both an opportunity to talk about anything they wanted without interruption or judgement. Their debate tonight centered around who was the best monster in literature. Matt clearly voted for Mary Shelly's Frankenstein while Jill was in the vampire camp with Bram Stoker's Dracula. They couldn't come to agreement over who was a better movie monster, King Kong or Godzilla. It was these ridiculous conversations that gave both of them the opportunity to be just who they were. No pretenses, no masks, just two people obviously enjoying each other's company for nothing more than not wanting to be alone anymore.

After dinner, they retired to the couch  each with a book to read. He stretched out on the couch and she sat on the floor by his head. They didn't have to share any conversation. The quiet companionship was enough when there wasn't anything interesting on television.  Matt peeked over her shoulder to see if she was almost finished with her chapter. When she was close to him, all he wanted to do was touch her. Her familiar fragrance of white tea and ginger always excited him and he inhaled deeply.

"Matthew, what are you doing?"

"Hopefully, you, in the next few minutes." Jill threw her book over to the side and climbed on top of him on the couch. She couldn't decide if she liked looking down at him or up at him better but either way, she was going to be one happy girl in the next few minutes. She bent her head to kiss him pulling on his lower lip with her teeth. He pulled her all the way to him wrapping his leg over hers and  kissed her back. They finally broke apart slightly gasping for breath. Matt rolled her under him with his chest raised off her body. He stared into her green eyes not saying anything for the longest time.

"Mattie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. For the first time, I think, no, I know, everything is right in my life." Jill reached up and touched his cheek.

"I love you Jillian. I love everything about you. You bring peace to my soul and you give me a purpose to be a better man."

Jill could feel a tear roll out of her eye and down her cheek. She stared back into his blue eyes. She acknowledged him back with a kiss and whispered into his ear. "What took you so long?"

Matt pulled back from her. She now held his face in both her hands. "Matthew Brown, I get lost in your eyes everytime I look into your soul. Your love has fixed my broken heart and made my world brighter. So listen carefully so that you don't misunderstand what I'm going to say."

Matt held his breath as Jill took a deep breath of her own and said, "I love you, too."

"Show me." Matt pulled Jill from the couch to the bedroom where they spent the remainder of the night showing each other just how much they loved one another.

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