Chapter 155 Yours, Mine, Ours

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Lucas stood at the base of Bear's treehouse completely in awe of what he saw. To a four year old boy, Bear was the greatest person he had ever met.

"Do you think you can climb the ladder?" Bear asked Lucas as he pointed to the red car door that served as a front door to his treehouse.

"It's kind of high up." Lucas was now having reservations about climbing the tree.

"How about you climb on my back and I'll do the climbing?" Lucas liked that idea and eagerly wrapped his arms around Bear's neck.

As the rest of the family made their way to Browntown, Lucas explored Bear's treehouse. He popped his head out the window and yelled, "Mom, Dad, look at me." He waved his little hand frantically from the window as Jill and Matt waved back.

Bear entertained his new admirer as Matt and Jill made their way into the main cabin. It was obvious that everyone had questions and Matt was prepared to answer all of them.

Matt relayed the story of the letter and their visit to the attorney's office.
Ami led the questions by asking Matt and Jill if they were prepared for the responsibility of becoming parents so soon after their wedding. Both Matt and Jill tackled the question remarking that it wasn't a decision based on preparedness but solely out of love. "Ma, he's mine. I missed out on so much already. I'm not missing out on anything else."

Billy asked the next difficult question. "Did you have a paternity test?"

"I don't need a paternity test, Da. I think you can tell just by looking at him that he's just a younger version of me."

Jill chimed in by pointing out that Samantha wouldn't have gone to the lengths she had to name Matt in her final wishes had he not truly been Lucas' dad.

"Are you taking legal steps to get custody?" Bam asked bouncing Jace on his knee.

"The paperwork is underway. It's just a matter of appearing in court and having the district judge bless the paperwork."

"I heard him call you Mom and Dad. Does he know you're his father?" Lila asked as she heard Lucas call Jill and Matt his mom and dad.

"Actually, that doesn't matter to him or us. We're a family now, and forever."

Bear burst through the cabin door with Lucas and Mr. Bear following in tow. They were out of breath from racing around the camp. Matt called Lucas over to where he sat and put him in his lap. Lucas sat Mr. Bear on the table facing the family.

"Lucas, this is my family and now, they are your family." Lucas looked at him with wide-opened eyes. He surveyed the faces of everyone looking back at him. Matt slowly began making the family introductions.

Pointing at Ami and Billy, Matt spoke slowly to Lucas. "These are my parents, so that makes them your grandma and grandda."

Matt pointed at Bam next. "And that hairy guy over there is my brother, Bam Bam and his wife Lila and baby Jace and Lila. Bam and Lila are your uncle and aunt. The Brownies are your cousins, Jace and Lily."

Lucas looked at Bam and asked him a very serious question. "Are you a Flintstone?"

Bam cracked a smile while everyone else fell into raucous laughter.

"No, Luke, I'm a Brown just like you."

"Can the Brownies come live with us?" Lucas liked the idea of having other kids around. He obviously had spent quite a bit of time with adults and longed for the company of other children.

Matt continued with the introductions. Pointing at Rain and Bird, he said, "Those are your aunts, Snowbird and Merry Christmas Kathryn Raindrop."

Bird spoke to Lucas. "You're so cute."

Lucas responded back, "I like your name." He looked at Rain. "I like your name too."

Rain replied, "You can call me Rain."

Matt introduced the remaining family members pointing to Gabe, Noah and Bear. "Those guys are all my brothers so that makes all of them your uncles."

Lucas turned and whispered in Jill's ear. "I can't remember all that." Jill offered him reassurance.

"It's okay Lucas. The more time you spend with everyone, you will learn all their names eventually."

"I can remember Uncle Bear 'cause his name is the same as my bear."

"Wait, we forgot someone." Matt pointed at the large dog that sat next to Gabe. And that guy is called Mr. Cupcake."

Lucas giggled. "Mr. Cupcake?"

"He also answers to Cuppy." The dog's ears perked up as he heard his name spoken.

"Lucas, would you like to see the rest of Browntown? Maybe Uncle Gabe and Uncle Bear can give you a tour while the grownups finish talking."

Gabe grabbed Lucas up and placed him on his shoukders as Cuppy and Bear followed them with Mr. Bear along for the ride.

"Matthew, he's a handsome little thing. Can you stay for the weekend so we can spend some time with him?" Ami asked hoping that her newest grandbaby could get to know the wolfpack a little better.

"We would love to Ami if you have the room." Jill was relieved that the family had taken the news so well. They were so accepting of change and she felt blessed to be a part of their family.

"You guys can stay with us. I'm sure Lucas would enjoy playing with Jace and Lily." Bam volunteered the available space at their cabin.

"Okay, so it's all worked out. Why don't we get you settled and we'll see everyone at dinner." Bam motioned for Lila, Matt and Jill to head back to their place.

Lila put Matt, Jill and Lucas in their usual room with the Brownies. " I hope you will be comfortable here again." Lila laid the Brownies down for a nap watching them until they drifted off to dreamland.

Jill brushed the hair off Lily's little face as she hugged her blanket in her tiny hands. "How long have you known?" Jill looked up to see Lila staring at her midriff.

"What?" Jill looked surprised at her question.

"How many weeks along are you?" Lila watched as Jill rubbed her stomach softly.

"Almost eight weeks. How did you know?" Jill looked out the window and watched as Matt and Bam went to find the tour group.

"Jill, you're so petite that any weight gain is noticeable to me. Does he know yet?"

"I tried to tell him the other night when I told him we were going to need a bigger house." She sighed. "I don't think he got the hint."

Keith Urban-Making Memories of Us

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