Chapter 13 Alone Together

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Tomorrow couldn't have come fast enough for either Joshua or Lila. Neither one of them slept well in their respective beds, thinking about the other.

At breakfast, the family gathered along with their houseguest for a hearty breakfast of fresh eggs and venison. Bam was late to breakfast and lost getting a seat next to Lila which Matt happily secured for himself. Bam wasn't happy to see Matt working his charms on Lila over breakfast. His carefree and happy go lucky ways were a magnet for girls. Bam hoped Lila would not have a change of heart. He liked her. He really liked her.

Lila hardly took notice of Matt at breakfast. Although Matt was great company, her eyes immediately focused on Joshua. It tickled her secretly to see his disapproval of Matt's efforts to gain her attention. All these feelings were new to her and she could now distinguish her school girl crush on Bradley to her womanly feelings towards Joshua. She watched him carefully fix his plate and take a spot further from the table where the family was seated. He ate quietly never taking his steely eyed gaze off Lila. He was like her shadow following every brush of her hair from her face. When she accidently touched Matt's forearm while telling a story, she could see Joshua wince.  She quickly withdrew her touch. He did not hide his emotions well. She noted that she would have to be more careful when interacting with his brothers.

As breakfast wrapped up, Lila offered to help clear the table. She could audibly hear Joshua groan. He so wanted to spend time alone together with her and he knew if he didn't act soon, the family would find a way to rook her into another Brown activity. Lila walked towards Joshua and took his empty plate from his hands. He could hear her whisper under her breath...."patience is a virtue."

Bam whispered back, "So now you want a virtuous boy." Lila tried to stifle her laugh. She liked the mix of cockiness and charm that he exuded.

As soon as the table had been cleared, Bam wasted no time in grabbing Lila and making an exit out of the cabin. Lila liked his forthright attitude. Bam navigated the path to the trapper shack, stopping only to pick up his pack and rifle. "Where are we going?" Lila asked with hopeful curiosity.

"Somewhere away from the maddening crowd of my family." Bam continued down the path and into the woods holding Lila's hand tightly.

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