Chapter 28 Return to Me

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Lila sat on the edge of the dock waiting for the Integrity to arrive. She had risen early barely able to contain her excitement over the prospect of a "do over." A fresh start for she and Bam was just what they both needed. In the distance, she thought she heard a howl and the faint sound of a boat engine. Her eyes searched the horizon catching a glimpse of what she recognized as Bear Brown atop the Integrity. His trademark red hoodie was easy to spot against the dark of the ocean. Lila felt butterflies in her stomach. Even though she and Bam had already been intimate, today had all the makings of a first date and she wanted to make a good second impression again.

From Lila's vantage point, she could see Bam at the wheel of the boat. His signature mirrored glasses and stoic glare never giving away his mood. Lila stood up and waved as Matt and Bear jumped to the dock to tie the boat off.

Matt grabbed Lila by the waist and twirled her around the dock. "Sorry we're late. We had to make a short run this morning."

"Thanks for your help last night Matt."

Lila kissed Matt on the cheek just as Bam hit the dock. "Damn woman, already dumping me for my brother?"

Matt responded with a hearty laugh. "You snooze, you loose, bro."

Lila winked at Bam. "I prefer younger men."

Matt grabbed his heart pretending to be wounded by Lila's words.  Although she still couldn't see Bam's eyes, she did catch a glimpse of a half smile before he turned to grab her pack. The party boarded the boat just as quickly as they had arrived and departed for home.

Bam navigated the Integrity while Bear entertained Lila on the trip to Browntown. He was full of energy and enthusiasm and was very  different from Bam. Bear was never at a loss for words and chatted Lila up the entire trip.

"You know, we've never seen Bam like this before." Bear smiled as he zipped around Lila. "You must be some kind of special."

Lila grinned back. "Whatever do you mean Bear?" She knew what he meant but wanted to hear someone else confirm what Bam had admitted to the previous night.

"He's never ditched the family before to chase a girl."

"Is that what he was doing Bear? Just chasing a girl?"

"No. It's different with you. He's been miserable to be around since you left." Bear jumped on the bench next to Lila. "Last night, when he got back to the boat after seeing you, he was actually smiling. Bam doesn't smile that much. He's usually barking orders."

"Yes, I've been on the receiving end of that passion...I mean temper." Bear disappeared to the top of the boat as they approached Browntown waters and let out a loud howl to notify the rest of the family that they were home.

Lila could see the familiar faces gathering on the beach. She was excited to see Bird and Rain again.

As the travelers disembarked the Integrity to the skiff, Bam made sure Lila never left his sight or his hand. Upon stepping on the beach, Bam placed his hand on the small of her back guiding her to where the family stood. Bird and Rain hugged Lila on each side and we're already full of questions. "You'll have to stay with us again in the main cabin! We want to hear all about your trip home to Juneau." Lila caught the disappointment in Bam's eyes and shrugged her shoulders. Bam had hoped to have her stay with him but as usual his family had other plans. She was a guest in Browntown and didn't want to overstep the family's boundaries or hospitality. Noah stepped up and kissed Lila on her cheek. "Lovely to see you again. Lila."

At camp, Ami, Billy and Gabe greeted Lila with open arms. "Welcome back Lila." Ami squeezed her tight. "You've come back just in time for us to celebrate Bam's birthday tomorrow."

"We're having chocolate cake too." Gabe had a goofy grin on his face.

"You didn't tell me it was your birthday." Lila flashed a disappointed look at Bam. He quietly thought to himself she was present enough for him just by being in Browntown again. He had everything he ever wanted at that moment. She had returned to him just like the tides return to the beach.

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