Chapter 76 Joy

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Matt had left the skiff waiting in Hoonah for Bam and Lila so that they didn't have to wait to be picked up. It was a grand day for the pair as their joy was multiplied by two. Jack and Becky were thrilled to learn that they would be surrogate grandparents. Bam could tell the day was taking its toll on Lila as she could barely stay awake for the ride home. It was the first time Bam realized how fragile Lila was in her current state. The water was more choppy than usual and Lila began to experience seasickness. Bam had her lie down on the floor of the skiff covering her with his jacket. He needed to get her home and into bed.

As the skiff rounded into the cove, Matt and Gabe greeted Bam on the beach. Bam motioned to the sleeping Lila on the floor of the skiff and handed her things to Gabe as Matt steadied the boat in the water. Bam scooped Lila up into his arms and she snuggled deep into his chest. She was exhausted.

"What's wrong with her?" Gabe asked quietly.

"She's pregnant, Gabey." Bam gave Gabe the furrowed brow look.

Gabe responded, "We know that Bam. Is she sick?"

"Yeah, I think she's seasick and it was only made worse by the ride in the skiff."

Gabe and Matt followed Bam to the trapper shack and helped get her into bed. "Can one of you bring dinner to us? We're going to skip the group meal. Tell everyone we will talk with them tomorrow."

"Sure, man." Matt headed for the main cabin to get some food and drink for Bam and Lila. He returned quickly with bread, stew and hot coffee. "Holler if you need anything else."

"Yeah, man, thanks." Matt could see the concern in Bam's face. He wasn't good at hiding his emotions.

Bam covered Lila with an extra blanket and sat silently in the corner eating stew and watching her. She slept soundly for another hour and when she woke he was the first thing she saw.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About two hours. Hungry?"

"Very." Lila smelled the venison stew. "Smells good."

"You had me a little worried." Bam sat on the bed and spooned  a bite of stew to Lila. She pulled herself into an upright position and took over feeding herself.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. It's really the first time I felt different. The skiff ride never bothered me before."

"You've never been pregnant before and with twins."

Lila smiled at the word twins. "Are you happy Joshua?" Lila looked for some sort of reassurance.

"Lila J., you obviously don't understand how deep my love is for you." Bam exhaled deeply. "Every day is a happy day as long as I'm with you."

"Just checking...I didn't want you to head for tbe hills when you found out we were having two babies."

Bam bent his head to Lila's stomach and whispered, "I'm right where I want to be."

"Okay, you, we will have no private conversations without me." Lila ran her hands through Bam's thick hair as he kissed her stomach.


Everyone anxiously awaited Bam and Lila's arrival at breakfast to learn the outcome of their visit to Juneau. They paused before opening the door. "Prepare your self babe. They are going to lose it when we say twins."

Lila took three deep breaths and slipped her hand in Bam's and braced themselves for another round of breakfast with Browns. Ami made her way to Lila and gave her a big hug. "Are you feeling better?" She asked with a hint of concern.

"I'm fine, really. Just a little seasickness." Lila kissed her cheek.  "Thank you for asking."

Lila and Bam could feel the questions simmering on his family's mind. Before they could ask them, Lila took the lead and spoke.

"The doctor's visit went well. We love our doctor. We also got to see Jack and Becky while we were in Juneau and we just wanted to tell you that Browntown's population will increase by two." Lila didn't say another word as everyone processed what she just said.

Rain flew from her seat and screamed "Twins!"

Ami steadied herself against Billy's arm. "Two babies, oh my goodness." Billy congratulated Bam and Ami bawled tears of joy. She hugged Lila again and brushed her hand lightly over Lila's cheek. Her tears spoke volumes about her happiness over the knowledge that she would finally be a grandmother.

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