Chapter 115 Call of the Wild

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Matt: We have a dilemma.

Jill: You mean "you" have a dilemma.

Matt: Hey, what happened to "us?"

Jill: It went out the window when you're dad showed up. God, he knows what we did. (Blushing)

Matt: (smiling devilishly) Yea, "we" have some explaining to do.

Jill: "We?" (pausing)

Jill: And that's my problem, how?

Matt: (chuckling) Well, you did take advantage of their first born son.

Jill: Matthew Jeremiah Brown, I believe you were a willing participant in the carnal activities of today.

Matt: Try explaining that to my mother! (Laughs loudly)

Jill: Are you kidding me? I'm pleading the fifth. If I recall, I was coerced into coming here by your evil brother and his minions.

Matt: (laughing) That didn't look like coercion to me earlier.  (sporting a boyish smile)

Jill: (pleading) Matt, I can't possibly face your mother tonight. I smell like a cheap hooker on a good night and look like I was ridden hard and put up wet.

Matt: (doubling over in laughter) That's priceless...put up wet!

Jill: It's not funny. I don't want your mother to get a bad impression of me.

Matt: We can't stay on the boat tonight. There's no food, shower or outhouse on board.

Jill: (Sighing hopelessly) Then you're going to have to smuggle me into camp under cover of night. If I have to meet your mom, I'd like to at least be somewhat presentable and freshly washed in the morning. Besides, I'm starving!

Matt: Okay, but just remember, you asked for this.

Matt: (Howling)

Jill: What are you doing?

Matt: Calling for help.

Bear: (Howling back)

Jill: What the hell was that? A wolf?

Matt: No, a Bear.

Matt: You're taxi will be here shortly.

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