Chapter 59 Vows

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If you read chapter 58 Kismet, please reread the updated one. The wrong chapter published last night and I didn't notice it until this morning.


I think we should write our own vows." Bam pulled his shirt over his head as he was getting ready for bed. "I don't want to add any more stress to you but what do you think?"

Lila propped herself up in the bed. "Really?"

"It's the one thing I want. I haven't asked for any say so about our wedding but writing our own vows is important to me." Bam crawled into bed next to Lila and brushed her cheek with his calloused hand.

Lila kissed his hand and replied in her sexiest voice, "I don't know if I can share out loud why I love you."

"Lila J., I'm being serious." Bam furled his brow.

"I know you are and I'm one step ahead of you. I've already started my vows."

"Woman, you never cease to amaze me."

"Yep, I'm a keeper." Lila giggled and whacked Bam with one of the bed pillows knocking his glasses askew.

"Oh, so this is how it's going to be." Bam immediately began to tickle Lila as she scrambled to get away. She threw more pillows at him as he chased her around the bed finally pinning her. She begged for mercy as she struggled to break free.

"Mercy? You'll have to come up with something better than mercy." Bam bent his head to kiss her neck.

"Chocolate cake?" Lila replied. "There's leftover cake in the fridge. Becky was testing some flavors on Rain and Bird today."

"What are we waiting on? I'm up for a kitchen raid." Bam pulled his jeans back on as Lila grabbed his shirt and pulled that on for cover. The two snuck quietly down the stairs to the kitchen and found the chocolate cake and a fork. Lila poured two glasses of milk while Bam started on the leftover cake. He savoured the first bite, feeding Lila the next one on the shared fork. They eagerly waxed off the leftovers leaving no trace of the dessert.

"I think I'm really going to love being married to you Joshua Brown."

"Well, Ms. Jenkins, how could I ever refuse a beautiful woman and a chocolate cake." He leaned over and kissed her. She tasted like chocolate.

Bam and Lila slinked back up the staircase to their room trying not to wake anyone. Lila quickly remade the bed and they hopped back under the covers. She kissed Bam goodnight as he cradled her in his arms.

Bam busied himself the next day with writing his vows. He holed himself up in the study at Lila's father's desk and began to write and rewrite his vows to her. He could never imagine being able to translate his love for her on to paper. He wanted every word to be precisely selected. He'd get one shot at this moment and wanted it to be perfect. He also knew he have the eyes of his family on him. Rain had wandered into the study to check on Bam's progress.

"How's the writing going?" She asked.

Bam ran his hands through his hair. "I'm getting there."

"My advice to you is to just write what's in your heart. You could read the back of a milk carton to her and she would still marry you." Rain peered over his notes and shook her head at his professions of love. "Love, I'll never understand it."

Being the overly protective big brother that he was, Bam yelled after her as she exited the study. "Good! Let's keep it that way."

Bam returned to his thoughts trying to transcribe what he felt in his heart. Edit after edit, he scratched, scribbled and erased until he felt that every thought and emotion had been perfectly captured into a love letter to his future wife.

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