Chapter 178 Goodnight Moon

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The three couples returned to Hoonah with two Brownies and Lucas in tow leaving the Integrity and the remainder of the family in Browntown. The priority was to secure the new land in Hoonah and begin construction of the main house in order to reunite the wolf pack. Bear and Red volunteered to keep the kids for a few days giving the older couples the time to work on the land acquisition and a little time for Bear and Red to practice  their parenting skills. Bear was a natural with the kids rolling around on the floor with Jace and Lily as Lucas served as Red's sous chef preparing dinner for everyone.

Matt, Bam and their wives wasted no time in arranging to meet the landowner and securing a deal amenable to all parties. It was a cash sale with each of the couples taking  a 50-50 split in the ownership. Their plan was to subdivide ownership as the remaining siblings decided whether or not to move to the family land. Billy and Ami would keep ownership of their original property in Browntown until their deaths and then that land would pass to Bam and Matt for a stake in the new land.

Red had her hands full bathing the Brownies while Bear and Lucas settled on the couch to read. Bear had found a stack of children's books on her shelves, probably from her childhood, and picked one to read to Lucas. Lucas sat quietly as Bear began to read "Goodnight Moon." His eyelids became heavy and just as he finished the story, Lucas had fallen asleep. Bear picked him up and carried him to the bedroom where Red had just tucked Lily and Jace into bed.

"They're exhausted." Red exclaimed.

Bear whispered back, "I'm exhausted."

"Do you need me to tuck you in bed too?" Red pushed him into the living room. "Looks like you and I get the couch."

"That sounds cozy." Bear pulled her closer and began kissing her. She pushed him go the couch and pulled his shirt over his head.

He responded in similar fashion and they soon found themselves in a tangle of arms and legs. Red stopped midway through their passionate playtime to ask Bear if he thought they would make good parents. Bear couldn't help but think how funny that question was considering they had entertained three kids all day, fed them, bathed them, and tucked them in bed and still found a few minutes to steal for themselves. "Babe, I think we passed the first test tonight." He pulled her face back to his. "Now can we get back to the adult entertainment?"

Red growled at her man. "Only if you promise me to do that little thing you do so well."

Bear's eyes twinkle in anticipation. "My pleasure, Ms. White or yours!"

Goodnight Moon by Said the Whale

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