Chapter 91 Stud

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The week flew by as Ami and Billy watched the twins. All the Browns were on board to finish Bam's home. Lila arranged furniture while Bam and his brothers finished off the bedroom and nursery. The girls swept floors and arranged the kitchen.

On Saturday morning, Bam carried his wife and babies over the threshold of their new home. "Welcome home, Mrs. Brown."

Lila stood with Bam as they surveyed their surroundings. The idea of more space thrilled Lila while Bam commented on their new found privacy. "Would you like to see the bedroom, lovely?"

Lila was giddy with excitement as Bam led her to their room. He growled in her ear, "Want to check out the bed?"

Lila wanted to do nothing more than take her husband to bed but the doctor had given her the no go on intimate relations for at least two months. She reminded her husband of the doctor's orders. He reminded her there was more than one way to skin a cat and began to pull his shirt over his head.

Lila ran her fingers over his chest and shoulders as his lips pressed against hers. The feelings he could stir in her were all to easy and familiar. When ever he touched her, she couldn't resist him. His beard rubbed against her neck and his breath trailed around her throat to the back of her neck as he swept her hair above her shirt. She was like a cat purring at his touch. As he continued to kiss her, she slowly undid her top and slipped out of her jeans leaving her in only a bra and panties much to his appreciation. His calloused hands moved slowly and deliberately down her body until his hand found the warmth between her thighs. He stroked her delicate area as she vocalized her desire in a series of guttural moans.  She pulled him to the bed mindful of her condition and found another way to satisfy his desire for her. Bam may not have gotten everything he wanted in their marriage bed that day but she left him wanting more as she quietly slipped his shirt on and went to check on the twins. 

When she returned, he was propped up on an elbow beckoning her back to their bed. She looked gorgeous standing there with loose hair in his shirt and leaning against the door frame. He appreciated her long legs and the curves the twins had brought to her shape. Bam looked at her with sex on his mind and replied, "I think I'm going to need a cold shower."

Lila threw her head back and laughed. "Or a hot woman." She jumped on the bed pinning him underneath her. "Have I told you how damn sexy I think you are when you're in bed with me?"

His steely blues eyes smiled back at her as he sat up and moved her legs over his. She kissed him deeply as her tongue pressed into his mouth and danced with his. He whispered what he wanted in her ear and she was happy to accommodate his request but not without some good natured ribbing. "Why Mr. Brown, I thought you'd never asked."

Lila pushed Bam backwards. She pinned his arms to the bed as her hair dragged across his chest. Her tongue teased at his chest sucking and biting him as she trailed her mouth down to his hardening shaft. "Mmmm, Mr. Brown, does your wife appreciate your talent?" She feathered him lightly with her fingertips until she was ready to take him in her mouth and drive him over the edge. She spent the next few minutes bringing her husband to his climax and enjoyed every minute of watching him lose control. Weeks of pent up desire and lust exploded into one long delicious release, leaving him breathing hard. Lila was pleased with her sexual prowess. She and Bam were a perfect match in the bedroom. She crawled up next to him and he pulled her closer.

"I'm never letting you go." He murmured in her ear.

"The feeling is mutual, stud."

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