Chapter 131 Canoeing

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Dinner was a treat. Matt hadn't tasted fresh venison since leaving Browntown the last time. Although he enjoyed his weekly outings to the grocery store and getting to indulge in his favorite treats, nothing beat the taste of something wild. 

"I've forgotten how quiet it is out here under the stars." Matt stared at the night sky as Jill snuggled closer to him for warmth.

"It is quite beautiful out here in the moonlight. Are you having regrets?"

Matt turned to Jill insuring she was looking at him. ""I have no regrets about anything." She dropped her gaze from his. "Just feeling a little homesick."

Bam and Lila gathered up their sleepy babies and headed back to their cabin. Lila told Matt, "We'll leave a light on for you. Take your time."

As the family peeled off one by one to their respective sleeping quarters, Matt and Jill were the only ones left around the fire. "Have I told you how beautiful you are in moonlight?" Matt reached for her, kissing her softly.

"Tell me again." Jill rubbed her hands across his chest.

"You're so beautiful in the firelight." Matt tickled her neck with his lips, running his finger tips across her shirt and getting a much desired reaction.

Jill whispered in his ear. "Keep it up sailor and you just might get lucky."

Matt took her hand and snatched a torch from the camp as he dragged Jill hurriedly through the woods. "I've got just the spot for us."

Jill could feel the urgency in his voice. He wanted her now and she wasn't about to question where he was taking her.

They neared the beach and Jill spotted his destination. "The canoe?" Jill muffled her giggles as he quickly began to undress her. "Mattie, it's freezing out here."

"Not for long, babe." Matt staked the torch in the ground. The chill in the air and her excitement of making love outdoors with him again made her nipples harden which did not go unnoticed. He cupped her breasts kissing them as she wiggled out of her jeans. She stripped him of his jeans eagerly in return. He scooped her up and carried her to the canoe. It wasn't the most comfortable of places they'd  made love but it was the most adventurous considering the proximity to his family.

"Comfortable?" Matt positioned her under him using his hat as a pillow for her head.

"Hurry, Mattie. I'm cold!" She pulled him closer to her wrapping her legs around him.

"Well Jillie, let me see if I can warm you up."

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