Chapter 86 Faith

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The wait in the hospital was agonizingly long for both Bam and Matt. Both men had refused to leave the hospital without seeing Lila. The doctor was insistent that she not be disturbed. It was a long surgery for her and the doctor needed her to rest peacefully and undisturbed. Bam and Matt camped out in the waiting room taking turns checking on the twins. The nurses on call felt so bad for the pair that they let them shower in the nurses locker room. The nurses even gave Matt a pair of scrubs to wear as his clothes were caked with Lila's blood.

Matt could sleep anywhere and had positioned himself on a stretch of vinyl chairs. Bam on the other hand couldn't sleep as too much nervous energy flowed through his entire body. If he was tired, he didn't feel it. If he was hungry, his body didn't tell him. The hours rolled by slowly and occasionally a nurse would come by and give the obligatory "no news" yet update.

All night long, Bam watched the news of life and death and joy and sorrow taking place around him. People received good news and bad news. Tears of happiness and tears of sadness filled the waiting room. He thought hospitals were a strange place. It was a mixture of science and art and a whole lot of faith. Several times during the night his fears had taken over his faith. The last time he let those thoughts inch into his mind, he took a walk to the hospital's chapel. He was scared to open that door. It had been a long time since he had a conversation with the man upstairs but if he ever needed to have one it was now.

The chapel wasn't empty. A young woman sat on the front row. She looked at Bam and smiled. He smiled back as he slid into a pew. He thought she looked vaguely familiar. Maybe she was one of the people he had seen in the lobby earlier. The young woman got up and walked to where he sat. "May I sit with you?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm afraid I'm not very good company." Bam gave her a half smile. The woman sat down next to him. She was neatly dressed with dark hair and dark eyes and clutched a single white rose.

The woman replied to Bam. "Neither I am. Maybe we can just sit here and be poor company together."

Bam asked the woman if she had a loved one in the hospital. To which she replied, "My daughter is here."

"Is she going to be okay?" Bam asked sincerely.

"Yes, she is. She has a full life ahead of her. I'm here to make sure she knows that. It's not her time to leave."

"And you, do you have a loved one here?" The woman intently stared at Bam.

"My wife. Her name is Lila."

The woman reached out and placed her hand on his arm. "She's going to be fine Joshua. She's going to be just fine."

The woman stood up and quickly disappeared into the hallway. She left her rose next to Bam. He picked it up and darted out the chapel door but she had disappeared. He looked up and down the hallway but he saw no sign of her. He thought it strange that she called him Joshua because he didn't recall exchanging names with her. He lifted the rose to his nose and inhaled the scent and walked back to the waiting room.

Dawn was beginning to break and Matt was still sound asleep in the chairs. Bam pondered that the events of the day had taken a toll on his brother as well. He hadn't even taken the time to thank Matt for delivering his children and getting help for his wife. Matt had shown tremendous courage under pressure and sometimes he had taken Matt for granted. He may have been a free spirit and a lost soul but when it counted, Matt was always there for him in good times and bad times.

Bam woke Matt up to let him know it was morning. Matt ran his hands through his curls and asked if there was any news. Bam shook his head and answered no.

"Where did you get the rose from?" Matt pointed to the flower in Bam's hand.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Bam replied. "It's just been that kind of night."

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