Chapter 37 Dessert

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Matt threw together his bush grill and placed the fish carefully on the steel grate. The fish catch today produced some fine artic char and halibut thanks to the fishing challenge and the family was looking forward to the feast.

Lila was feeling the sting of her loss to Matt today and the thought of having consumed a fish eye made her want to puke but the day had been fun and she was looking forward to some alone time with Bam after dinner. Privacy in Browntown was precious.

Lila finished changing her clothes as Bam entered the trapper shack. His hair was wet from a quick dip in the creek to wash the salt air away.

"Mmmm...Mr. Brown, you clean up well." Lila moved closer to him.

"Stay back, woman. We're expected at dinner in a few minutes."

Lila purred, "A few minutes is all we need." She grabbed Bam's towel and began to dry his hair. She brushed her lips against his neck and felt the tension leave his shoulders. She continued placing soft kisses down his back until she reached the curve of his spine.

Bam exhaled and turned to face Lila. She was hard to refuse especially when her eyes darkened and she began to whisper. Bam was lost in her eyes when he heard a faint howl calling them for dinner.

Bam fought off Lila's advances to unzip his jeans playfully telling her he'd take care of her insatiable appetite for him later. Lila huffed and handed Bam a clean shirt. He fumbled with the buttons and Lila helped fasten them. Bam stared intently into Lila's eyes. "Something wrong sweetheart?" Lila stroked his cheek with her hand.

"No, baby, I was just thinking about how lucky I am." Lila's eyes smiled back at him.

"Joshua, I'm the lucky one."

"Here come the lovebirds." Gabe made their presence noticeable with his comment and drew the attention of his entire family.

"Really, Gabey? Grow up man." Bam shot Gabe his customary if looks could kill stare.

Matt offered Bam and Lila plates of char perfectly grilled and spiced with his special touch of forest flavors. They sat near the fire chatting and swapping fish tales. Ami and Billy whispered back and forth, carefully watching the younger couple. Ami could see the changes in her son when he was around Lila. He was calmer, more patient. He touched Lila with a gentleness that was all to familiar to Ami as once Billy was as tender to her in that same manner. He was in love and Ami knew it. It both delighted her and scared her for she would possibly gain a daughter and lose a son.

After dinner was finished, Noah invited Lila to his tent to see his latest plans for Browntown. Bam stayed behind to help Matt clean up the grill and dispose of the leftover fish as to not attract bears. When Bam was finished, Ami asked him for help carrying the dishes back to the main house giving her a few minutes alone with him. "Your visit seems to be going well. Does Lila like it here?"

Bam wasn't one to kiss and tell especially with his mother or his brothers. "Ma, if you say the word, I'm out of here." Ami had a bad habit of jumping from first date to grand babies in the same sentence.

Ami placed a reassuring hand on Bam's arm. "I can see you care for her a great deal."

Bam nodded. "I do, Ma."

"She's good for you."

Bam nodded again. "We're good for each other." Ami hugged him before he left to pick up Lila from Noah's tent.

Noah and Lila were involved in an intense discussion of how to electrify Browntown when Bam popped into Noah's tent. "Brother, I've come to steal my woman back."

"Bam, have you seen these plans? The guy's a genius. He's going to electrify everyone's home, even Bear's treehouse."

Bam pulled on Lila's arm trying to get her back to the trapper shack. He was hungry for dessert and she was on his menu. Bam kept dropping hints to which Lila ignored them purposefully, a little payback from their prequel before dinner. The more frustrated Bam got, the funnier it was to Lila until she finally relented. As Noah turned to put his electrical plans up, Lila grabbed a handful of Bam's ass. She gave him a knowing wink and kissed Noah on the cheek before bidding him good night.

Lila giggled all the way back to the trapper shack as Bam tickled her waist. He stopped at the door and placed his hands on either side of her.
She fell silent as he moved closer to her, feeling her chest rise and fall against his. The sparks that flew between them would have lit up Browntown if they could have been harnessed. Lila started to unbutton Bam's shirt revealing his chest. Her mouth placed kisses around his neck and chest. Bam moved so close to her she could feel his excitement grow as his hand slipped under her shirt. One of them was going to have to open the door if they were going to continue with dessert.

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