Chapter 196 Stay with Me

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The sun peeked through the curtains in Lucy's bedroom inching it's way ever forward to where she and Gabe slept. Lucy stirred from her sleep feeling the weight of a massive arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Damn, she thought to herself as she realized she was still fully clothed. As promised, although against her better judgement, she had kept her clothes on. Of all the men in Alaska, she had to end up with the only one whose view of sleeping together was just slightly archaic. Lucy carefully turned herself in the bed facing Gabe who was sleeping soundly. Skimming her hand just above his chest, she so wanted to wake him with a round of morning sex but she took the higher road this morning and just watched his chest rise and fall with every breath. He had all the charm of an awkward high school boy as she fiddled with his curly mop of hair and one rocking hard body that she longed to both touch and feel.

"I can feel you staring at me." Gabe spoke but didn't open his eyes. "Quit watching me sleep. It freaks me out."

"But you're so darn cute when you sleep." Lucy leaned towards him kissing him good morning.

"Did you sleep good?" Gabe brushed the hair from her face.

"I would have slept a whole lot better if someone had laid me properly last night instead of just giving me a preview."

"Dirty talk Ms. Lucy! I may just have to wash that mouth out with soap." Gabe kissed her back.

"Will you spank me, too?" Lucy mewed back in a sexy little voice.

"Saucy too?" His hand casually rubbed the fabric of her leggings pulling her closer to him.

"Mmmm....someone is happy to see me...." Lucy's hand dropped to the front of his jeans. He flipped her onto her back placing his face just above hers. She lost her breath momentarily as he hovered within inches of her mouth and spoke quietly, "When the time is right Luciana.....when the time is right."

He headed towards the bathroom for a shower, a very cold shower, stripping off his shirt and jeans as he walked. Lucy called out to him playfully, "Want company?"

"No, but I sure could use breakfast."

Lucy drug herself out of bed stripping out of her clothes and exchanging them for Gabe's button down shirt. It still held his scent. She headed towards the kitchen to whip up a lumberjack breakfast. He rounded the corner to see her cheeky rear peeking out from under his shirt as she reached for the plates in the cupboard and announced, "I like the view."

"Well, you could have had the whole scenic tour last night." Lucy slapped the plates in his hand and pointed to the table. "Sit."

Gabe accommodated her order as she delivered a sizzling hot breakfast to the table. His appetite was huge and she watched him gulp every bite down.

"I could get used to this." He smiled waxing off a large glass of milk.

Lucy thought she too could get used to this. She didn't make it a habit of letting men spend the night but this man was different. She felt different when she was with him...comfortable.
That was the feeling... he made her feel comfortable like he was meant to be there.

"Lucy, I hate to eat and run but I've got to head home. We're close to finishing the main cabin and I promised Matt and Bam I would be there to work this morning."

Lucy sighed heavily. "I promise I'll come back tonight. I am going to need my shirt back."

"Whatever you say." Lucy walked Gabe to the door and slowly undid the buttons on the shirt she wore. When she reached the last one, she slipped his shirt off and handed it to him leaving her only in her bra and panties.

Gabe shook his head. "Yep. You're going to be trouble." He kissed her goodbye taking one long lingering look at her as he walked backwards from her door.

"You're nothing if not memorable..."
He turned and headed home with visions of loveliness in his head.

Sam Smith-Stay with Me

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