Chapter 109 Flashback

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"You're doing it wrong." Matt walked over to where she stood and picked up a flat rock. He tossed it in the air and caught it with his other hand. "You just don't throw rocks in water. You need to let them glide out of your hand and skip across the water." He sent his rock flying across the top of the water skipping it five times before dropping to the bottom.

"How did you do that?" She perked up and bent down and grabbed a rock. She attempted to imitate his actions but her rock hit the water once and sank.

"You've never skipped rocks on water before?" He asked bewildered as if she had never experienced such a simple way to pass the time. She shook her head no and bent down to grab another rock.

"First, you must find the perfect rock. It needs to be flat not chunky." Jill searched around for another stone that matched his description. "Then it's all in the wrist action." He placed his hand over hers, drew it back and slowly moved her arm from back to front. They released the rock in tandem and watched it skip over the water three times. She squealed with joy.

"I did it! Let me try it by myself."

Matt handed her a rock from the palm of his hand, only it wasn't a rock. He placed a fabric bag in her hand. She looked at him with surprise in her eyes. "What's this?"

"It's just a little reminder of our time together. You know I have to head back home tomorrow."

Jill carefully unwrapped the fabric revealing the bracelet Matt had worked on so lovingly. She ran her fingers over the tree design on the bracelet. "It's lovely, Matthew Brown."

"I engraved it on the inside for you."

She flipped the bracelet over reading the inscription "Art Gypsy." Happiness bubbled up inside her and she was quite moved by his gesture. "Help me put it on." Matt fumbled with the small silver chain but eventually secured it on her wrist. "I shall never take it off." She stepped closer to him touching his lips with her fingers trying to get him to stop talking long enough to thank him properly.

"Matthew Brown, sometimes it's okay to just be quiet." Her lips brushed his lips softly building up to a crescendo. She thought to herself that kissing him was a lot like a long, hot summer day in Georgia. When he kissed her back, she knew she had been kissed thoroughly and in such a manner that he left no doubt in her mind what he felt for her.

"It's getting late. Maybe we should get back to town before nightfall." Matt reluctantly agreed. He could have spent the rest of the afternoon showing her how much he enjoyed her company but instead decided to save that for later. They packed up the remains of their picnic and Matt loaded her back into the skiff for the ride home. He took his time drawing out the return trip just to watch her and wonder how he could get her to open up to him about her past.

Once back in Hoonah, Matt suggested they stop by Kenny and Kay's place to get his pack. He had planned to stay with them but things had progressed with Jill so quickly that he knew he would be spending another night in town with her.

Later that evening, the pair decided to stay in for the night and watch movies. It was a rare treat for Matt to get to watch television much less see a recent movie. They settled on the couch with a huge bowl of popcorn between them watching the "Twilight" movie series. They debated the strengths and weaknesses of being a werewolf as opposed to a vampire. He was clearly in the werewolf camp and she was most decidedly a vampire fan.

As the last movie ended, Matt suggested they move to the bedroom. He had been patient all day but the only thing he hungered for tonight was her. She let him lead the way as she wanted him to finish what he innocently began on the beach earlier in the day.

Jill slowly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his chest and began to place a series of wet kisses around his neck and under his chin. Her mouth and tongue trailed down his chest stopping at one nipple and then the other until she felt them harden under her lips. His hands rested on her jeans only momentarily before he removed them hastily. Her lips moved back up to his mouth and she tickled the tip of his tongue with hers. He pulled her shirt over her head breaking their contact for only a split second. He loved the feel of her warm skin against his. He stealthfully guided her to the wall in her bedroom all the while she fumbled with the removal of his jeans. Once off, they were both equally as vulnerable. His hand slipped between her thighs rubbing the fabric of her panties until they became soaked with her desire for him. He turned her around to face the wall and removed them slowly kissing a trail down her spine. He pressed up against her and she knew he was ready to take her as he guided himself inside. He raised her arms over her head and held her there as his body thrust against hers first slowly and then with increasing speed. She could feel her excitement build as she begged him to push deeper inside her. He released her arms and moved his hands around her hips pulling her tightly to him. The more vocal she was, the more ardent his thrusts became until her orgasm spilled over her. Matt held her close to him as a wave of pleasure rolled through her entire body. He took her quickly to the bed driving inside her again as she called out his name over and over. He came inside her riding out his climax until he was spent. She didn't speak a word and neither did he as they fell asleep knitted together in a tangle of arms and legs.

They had been asleep for hours when Matt was awakened by Jill's thrashing body. He attempted to calm her while she slept but she woke screaming his name....and it wasn't Matt's name that she yelled.

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