Chapter 135 Chaperone

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Four very hungry men traipsed through the door of the apartment shouting "Hello ladies!" The brothers were worn out, dirty and hungry. As if like a well oiled machine, they took turns cleaning up in the bathroom as Lila quickly disposed of their clothes in the washing machine. Jill heaped a mountain of spaghetti and meatballs and several loaves of garlic bread and parmesan cheese on the table serving buffet style.

Gabe and Bear were always the first ones to the table. Jill was tickled by their enthusiasm for dinner as eating something other than wild game was a treat. She knew they would enjoy dessert even more so when she revealed they had blueberry cheesecake.

Bam and Lila cozied up on the couch eating their spaghetti and exchanging whispers that only married couples understood. The time away from Browntown was almost like a second honeymoon for the pair although they missed Jace and Lily terribly. The convenience of a sat phone in Browntown made their time away easier and they checked in everyday to learn of any progress or just to listen to the Brownies babbling.

Gabe and Bear indulged in waxing off the remaining meatballs in a test of who could eat more. Bear won. Jill couldn't figure out how such a compact package could hold so much food but she guessed he burned up a lot of nervous energy with his constant need to run.

Matt had disappeared to the bedroom and Jill went to check on him. He had fallen asleep while getting undressed. Jill covered him with a blanket and kissed him on the forehead. He worked so hard today and she appreciated everything he did to secure their future.

"Everything okay in here?" Lila peeked at Matt sleeping, dead to the world.

"He's exhausted." Jill turned the light out and pulled the door shut.

"Yeah, I think Bam's on the verge of falling asleep as well."

Jill and Lila cleaned the kitchen as Bear and Gabe carried cheesecake down to their sleeping quarters in tbe shop.

"Keep the noise down boys. The old men up here can't handle anymore excitement tonight."

Bear joked about taking Lila and Jill out on town if they needed younger models. "Good night boys!" Jill shut the door behind them giggling at the thought of Bam and Matt spotting Bear and Gabe entertaining their women in downtown Hoonah.

Lila had already curled up by her husband as Jill dimmed the lights. "Sweet dreams you two." Jill slipped into her room and out of her clothes, and next to Matt. His breathing was shallow and she watched his chest rise and fall. She laid her head on his chest and listened to the beating of his strong heart.

She needed to tell him what she had done. The last thing she wanted to do was enter into a marriage with a secret. Her secret about the land acquisition would test their relationship and she couldn't decide if he would be angry or happy. She would tell him when the work was completed, maybe the finished product would change his perspective on things.

Jill awoke to Gabe and Bear knocking on the door. "Wakey, wakey." Gabe called out as they entered the apartment. Apparently, the younger Browns had more energy than their older brothers as a sleepy eyed Bam slung a pillow at the rowdy duo.

Jill donned a robe and apologized to the guys for not having breakfast ready. She rummaged through the fridge for sausage and eggs as the rest of the family gathered to eat. The brothers woofed down breakfast and headed for the work site for another round of framing.

Lila and Jill decided today might be a good day to try some of the photography Jill had requested. There was only one problem. The spot that Jill wanted to go to would require one of the brothers to navigate a skiff. She wanted the photos done in their cove. "Let's see if we can get Bam and Matt to loan us Gabey for the day."

Jill and Lila packed a bag and some lunch and headed to the mill site. As they approached, the work stopped. "Bam, we need to borrow Gabey today. Can you spare him?"

"What for?" Bam shouted from his position on the roof.

Jill answered him back. "Girl stuff!"

"Huh?" Now all the brothers gathered round Lila and Jill.

"What kind of girl stuff?" Matt asked curious as to why they needed Gabe.

"We need a man, a boat and a gun and that's all you need to know." Lila pulled Bam to the side and whispered something in his ear. He looked at Gabe and nodded in agreement.

"Gabe, go to the Integrity and get your rifle and follow the girls. Don't let anything happen to them."

Now Matt's curiosity was peaked. "I'll go instead of Gabe." Bam grabbed his brother by the shoulders and shoved him back towards the work site.

"You'll thank me for this one day." Bam, Matt and Bear returned to work as Gabe wanted to know where they were going and what they were up to.

"We'll tell you when we get there." Gabe loaded up the girls into the skiff and checked his rifle for ammo. Lila gave him directions to the cove that Jill described and within thirty minutes they had anchored in Matt's special place.

Still curious as to what they were doing there, Gabe questioned the girls. Jill and Lila tried to keep straight faces as they explained to him that they were shooting boudoir photos for Matt.

Gabe didn't quite get what they meant by boudoir photos so when the girls explained further, he turned a shade of red they had never seen before. "You're going to get naked while I'm here."

"Well, we're going to position you over there behind the rock to keep an eye on things." Jill pointed at a large rock to the left of where they'd be shooting. "Gabey, you're not going to see anything and you can't tell Matt what we're doing. It's a wedding gift surprise."

"Oh, it will be a surprise alright." Gabe walked towards the rock muttering to himself about not understanding women.

Lila unpacked her camera as Jill combed her hair and check her makeup. She stripped out of her clothes and asked Lila where she wanted to shoot first. Lila suggested the water first asking Jill to wade in just so the water covered the lower part of her breasts. The light couldn't have been more perfect and because Lila shot in black and white film, she knew the pictures would be stunning.

From there, she moved Jill to a large rock and had her position herself laying down with a slight arch in her back. That had to be the million dollar pic.

She moved Jill near a tree and had her back to the camera with her head in silhouette format.

Lila checked in with their chaperone. "Gabey, you okay over there?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

Lila shot additional candid shots and told Jill she would get them produced as quickly as possible for her to make the selections prior to the wedding. When they were finished, they called for Gabe who by now couldn't even look them in the eye. Jill unpacked their lunch and offered Gabe a sandwich. He munched on it silently listening to the girls' chatter.

"Gabe, have you ever had a girlfriend?" Gabe wished that Bear had come on this trip instead of him. He didn't have much experience with the fairer sex and of all the brothers, he was obviously the most shy usually using humor to cover up his nervousness.

"I have dated but nothing serious." Gabe reached for another sandwich.

"I just don't get it, Gabe. Do you know how gorgeous you are?" Lila seemed perplexed that Gabe didn't recognize all his assets. "You're like rockabilly cute with the muscles to go with it. And you're the kindest of all the brothers." Gabe was beginning to blush again. Jill nodded in agreement.

"We're going to have to find you a sweetheart." Jill smiled as she bit into her cookie.

A toothy grin started to form on Gabe's face. "Really? That would be great!"

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