Chapter 41 Green

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Lila woke up in the middle of the night in unfamiliar surroundings. Her head hurt and she needed some aspirin. She walked to the kitchen and found a bottle in one of the cabinets. The popping of the lid woke Bam up. He did not want to startle her so he sat up on one elbow and watched her as she moved quietly through the kitchen in her nightgown. The moonlight fell delicately across her face and body as she consumed a glass of water. He wanted nothing more to get up, kiss her and make her remember him. He watched her silently move to the spot where Matt slept. She stood there peering down at him and he watched her brush the hair from Matt's brow. She bent down and kissed his cheek, turned and went back to bed. Bam couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

Kay found Bam in the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone. "Hope you don't mind. I couldn't sleep."

"I think we should keep Lila pre-occupied today. I thought I'd take her into town and get her some clothes to wear since she's going to be here awhile." Bam agreed. The more time they could keep her away from Matt the less Bam wanted to strangle him. Logically, he knew Matt was not enjoying this turn of events but it was still a kick in the gut to Bam to watch it play out right in front of his eyes.

Lila bounced down the hallway announcing she was starving. Matt was still asleep on the sofa. She dropped to her knees and began placing soft kisses on Matt's cheeks. Matt suddenly jumped to his feet startling Lila. "Babe, what's wrong? Why are you so jumpy?"

Bam gripped the handle of the skillet and began beating the eggs furiously. "You're going to kill those eggs Bam. Let me finish them up." Kay pushed Bam aside and finished up the cooking.

Matt shot a look at Bam and back at Lila. "Nothing, just forgot where I was."

"Breakfast is ready." Kay called to Kenny and everyone fixed a plate and gathered at the table. Breakfast was an uncomfortable event for everyone except Lila. Bam watched her every move from the salt she added to her scrambled eggs to each bite she chewed. Everytime she rubbed shoulders with Matt, Bam died a little more on the inside.

Kay suggested a trip into town to get Lila a change of clothes which everyone agreed was a good idea. Kay asked they reconvene at the clinic afterwards to see the doctor as he was expected to be in town that morning.

Kay and Lila sorted through the racks of clothes looking for something appropriate for her to wear. Kay tried to keep the conversation light but Lila kept asking questions about Bam. "Matt's brother is kind of an ass, isn't he? He seems like he's always in a bad mood."

Kay  turned away from Lila and hid her smile. She feigned an excuse for Bam. "He's just got a lot on his mind." That ass was Lila's heart and she so badly wanted to tell her.

"It's kind of weird how he always watches me. Have you noticed that or is it just me?" Lila stopped at a purple shirt and held it up. "What about this shirt?"

"The color is perfect on you." Kay and Lila found a pair of jeans to accompany the top. "We probably should meet the boys at the clinic and let the doc take a look at your stitches."

Lila didn't understand what the fuss was all about. She felt fine and just wanted to return home with Matt.

When Kay and Lila arrived at the clinic, Bam and Matt were already in with the doctor. They waited patiently in the lobby. The doctor asked to exam Lila alone. Bam and Matt switched places and kept Kay company in the lobby. After a round of questioning, the doctor came out to speak with the trio. "I see nothing  physically wrong with her. I do think her condition is temporary."

Bam asked how much longer they would have to continue the charade of Matt pretending to be her boyfriend. The doctor suggested they ease her back into reality but slowly.  "I think she'll remember but the mind is a tricky thing. It heals itself on its own terms." Frustrated with the answers he was getting, Bam stormed out of the lobby to blow off some steam.

Matt and Kay escorted Lila back to the house. Lila went upstairs to change into her new clothes. Bam followed shortly afterwards. Kay gave him a hug and told him about her earlier conversation with Lila while shopping. Lila came downstairs and modeled her outfit to Matt. "Like the purple, I know it's your favorite color."

Matt was feeling the pressure and before he thought, he replied back. "My favorite color is green. Bam's favorite color is purple." Lila looked at Bam and rubbed the spot where her stitches were and excused herself to lie down.  Her head began to hurt and she wondered how she could have forgotten Matt's favorite color.

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