Chapter 40 Lost

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Kay had quickly prepped the extra room in their home for Bam, Matt and Lila. As Bam came through the door, his sad eyes broke Kay's heart. Having to watch his brother step into his role was gut wrenching at the very least and Kay sympathized with his sorrow. She knew how much Lila loved Bam whether she remembered it or not. Everyone would play along with the charade until a solution could be found. Time was the enemy to this tragedy as the longer it went on the harder it would be for everyone involved.

Kay showed Lila to the guestroom and laid out a nightgown for her. As she turned to leave, she asked Kay if Matt was staying in the room as well. Kay made an excuse and said the nurse recommended that she have a restful night. Bam overheard Lila's comment and groaned to Matt. "You better go up and say goodnight so she doesn't think something's wrong. Just remember bro, that's my woman."

Matt begrudgingly went to see Lila trying to keep his distance. It was bad enough that she declared him her boyfriend but to do it in front of Bam without knowing what it did to him was hard for Matt as well. Although the brothers did not always see eye to eye with one another, the one bond they never broke was no one shared women.

Lila was already tucked in bed and beckoned for Matt to sit beside her. "Stay with me until I fall asleep, please." Matt felt awkward being in the bed with Lila but propped a pillow behind his head and laid on top of the covers. He dimmed the lights and watched her fall quickly asleep.

Matt was gone longer than Bam felt comfortable. He walked to the bedroom where Lila was sleeping. In usual fashion, he found Matt asleep next to Lila, his only saving grace was he was fully clothed and on top of the covers. His brother could sleep anywhere given the opportunity. He nudged Matt to get up and pushed him out of the room. Bam sat in the chair in the corner of the room and watched Lila sleep until Kay came to get him. She whispered quietly to him. "You can't be in here in case she wakes up. How would you explain that to her?"

Bam took the hint and headed back to the living room. "I can't do this Kay."

"Yes, you can. You know damn well Matt's just her friend. She loves you. She just needs time to remember you and the time you've spent together."

Bam walked out of tbe house slamming the door behind him. He needed to clear his head. He headed to the Integrity to grab some personal items for he and Matt. Ami and Billy were still awake and greeted him with hugs. Bam explained what the plan was and Ami tried to comfort him but he didn't want to discuss the matter any further. He returned to gathering the things he and Matt needed for their stay in town. On his way out, Ami handed him the camera bag the family had given him a few days earlier.

Matt waited for Bam on the porch. Bam tried to push past him but Matt blocked his entry into the house. "You and I need to talk."

"Not now man." Bam's fuse was short tonight but Matt wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Now." Matt's voice had a firm undertone. He rarely played the role of big brother but tonight that's exactly what Bam needed.

"Sit." Matt pointed to the chair opposite him. Bam reluctantly sat down in the chair running his hands through his hair.

Matt cleared his throat and began to speak. "I don't understand what happened today any more than you do. You need to know I'm going to do everything in my power to help her remember you. I'm just a tool to get her back to you. Whatever I do to make that happen is out of my love for you, brother, not because I have any intentions towards her."

"I know that man." Bam scrubbed his beard and removed his glasses. He rubbed his eyes. Matt didn't know if he was tired or if his emotions were taking a toll on him.

"Let's get some sleep." Matt got up and walked into the house grabbing a spot on the sofa to sleep. Bam sat for a few minutes on the porch by himself. For the first time in a very long time, he felt lost.

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