Chapter 93 Matt

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Matt: Hi sis. What brings you to my doorstep?

Lila: Mattie, the dance is next week and I want to know if you're going.

Matt: (Sighing) I don't know. That whole dance thing didn't work out so well for me the last time.

Lila: There will be pretty girls...

Matt: Prettier than you?

Lila: (Blushing) Thank you Mattie. But yes, prettier than me.

Lila: Please come. (Flashes her dark eyes)

Matt: Promise me a dance?

Lila: Just one?

Matt: (laughing) Like Bam's going to let me dance with you twice.

Lila: You've been so distant lately?

Matt: Just got a lot on my mind.

Lila: Want to share? I'm a good listener.

Matt: (grabs his coat and hat) Let's walk and talk.

Lila: What's on your mind?

Matt: You.

Lila: Me?

Matt: More like you and Bam and what you have.

Lila: I see. Care to elaborate.

Matt: I'm the oldest. I have no home, no goals, and no prospects for a family. I'm kind of feeling like the family loser.

Lila: You're not a loser Matt. You will always have a home with us. You know how much we love you. And what about your sawmill? Aren't you going to expand that?

Matt: I still don't have anyone to share my life with. You and Bam already have kids.

Lila: Maybe it's because your taste in women leaves a lot to be desired.

Matt: (stops in his tracks) What do you mean by that?

Lila: I mean just that...stop chasing after the easy girls and look for one with some depth. Maybe one that has read a book.

Matt: (grabbing his heart) Ouch. That hurt.

Lila: It's the truth and you know it. You need a girl that can challenge you, not one that you leave in the middle of the night after a quickie between the sheets.

Matt: (Embarrassingly awkward look)  Damn. Now I know why you're such a good match for Bam.

Lila: And if you weren't my favorite brother, I might think twice about saying this to you. Let's face it. Your taste in women leaves a lot to be desired. Present company excluded of course.

Lila: And this girl in every port thing. That's got to stop. You're getting a reputation and not a very good one.

Matt: (confused look) Huh?

Lila: Girls talk Matt. Believe it or not, just like guys.

Matt: And what do they say about me?

Lila: Let's just say the pool of potential prospects is getting much smaller.

Matt: Wow! I'm being shot down before I even try.

Lila: Yes, the bush telegraph works well.

Matt: So they think I'm a one night stand kind of guy.

Lila: (clears her throat) That's a nice way of putting it. You're going to need an image overhaul and that's where I can help.

Matt: You're going to help me find a girl?

Lila: I'm going to point you in the right direction. The rest is up to you.

Matt: I guess I'm going to the dance?

Lila: Did you ever have a choice?

Matt: (shaking his head) Let's go home before Bam sends out a search party.

Lila: (Giggling) You should be so lucky!

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